An Overview of Economic Obstruction by Aboriginals of Industrial Projects in Canada
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Natives dont do shit on their own. They dont care and are too lazy and drunk off listerine to do anything. Warren Buffet owns all the railways in America and ships oil on them. Pipelines cut into his profits. While other factors involved economically, he lobbies heavily against pipelines and pays activists to sabotage and protest. In regards to Canada, In addition, you have Rockefeller Group running the Tar Sands Campaign to landlock and destroy the Canadian oil industry. If Canada cannot reach international markets, their oil price plummets. Around 2008, it was over $100 a barrel. Its worthless today at like $30 a barrel if lucky. Note that they never sell it at that price to America and must pay for access to pipelines and tank farms along the way. Its just a market price. Like how Bestbuy always sells computers and tvs at "$200 off!" every single week. MSRP is not the actual price. Same for oil.
the Rockefeller foundation donated $1.4 million in 2007 to Corporate Ethics, “to recruit the groups, develop the strategy, create a co-ordinated campaign and act as a re-granting agency for the North American Tar Sands Campaign,” states, the group’s website.
Basically, billionaires that make their money off oil conspired to destroy our industry and paid natives to protest. Combined with lobbying (aka bribes), projects like Energy East, Keystone, etc were all tied up in endless bureaucracy and red tape and our oil continued to tank in price with no one to sell to and tank farms filling up. Global oil prices fell, too, but ours is lower grade and harder to upgrade due to carbon ratios, so Americans only refine it when they have downtime to keep the refineries operating at 100% capacity. This means we are practically paying them to take our oil at this point since it costs more to get it out of the ground and process the bitumen.
Natives are, and always have been, tools. They cant do anything on their own and can only be directed towards hating other races and the nation that houses them. Corrupt unelected hereditary chieftains dont give two shits about their people or heritage and sell out to the highest bidder. So while they have no clean water and live in run dwon houses with kids that cant make it to school before 10 am, they are rich and more than happy to trade for some beads and blankets to "fuck the white man".
TLDR - Buffet and Rockefeller and other major international players destroyed our oil and gas industry. Trudeau and his father are more than happy to help them. Look up Pierre's NEP for why Alberta has been cucked for the last 50 years.
Where I live the tribes all have a team of lawyers telling them what they should do, what they should block and who they should sue. A friend's uncle wisely saw this opportunity and specialized in it about 15-20 years ago.