posted ago by tycho ago by tycho +63 / -1

This borrows heavily from my last article, 215 Dead bodies found. Here's the talking points, the main things to be aware of. I've tried to give credit to commenters where credit is due, pm me if I missed you, and I'll edit.

  1. No evidence of malnutrition can be found, no evidence of mistreatment can be found. Barely evidence of bodies can be found.

As u/KirbyMorph points out, "There is no proof of any bodies found. A random person they refuse to name used ground penetrating radar over course of several years to allegedly find these bodies. They refuse to provide any proof of these bodies or GPR. They didnt dig them up and identify them. They cant determine race or age from GPR. They can barely identify a skeleton using GPR (look up any images they produce if you want to verify). They can't determine how they died. These are all undocumented deaths."

The "ground penetrating radar" thing from the kamloops case was extremely suspect.

This is going to become the hot new meme, Indians using increasingly esoteric means to find fake dead kids in the ground. You will be a pariah for even asking questions about it.

We have unmarked graves where I am with thousands of bodies. It's a cholera pit. They just buried everyone in one big hole as quickly as possible.

Institutional graveyards existed on the grounds of such places, I'm sure the same can be said of boarding schools/schools for orphans and the like in Great Britain and France, etc, etc.

These sites were also known locally since they operated for almost a century, and would have been marked with wooden crosses. They keep calling them mass graves; well if it's a mass grave how do you count the graves using GPR? It's because the disturbances are separated by undisturbed soil. i.e. they are individual burials taking place at different times. These times include many pandemics where children were dying all over. People were dying all over, in fact, that still happens - people still die. And if it happens at say, a prison, where no family will claim the body, the body goes into a grave which is situated on some corner of the prison grounds.

  1. The news sells three things - hate, guilt, and fear. This capitalizes on two of them - namely, guilt and hate. People want to hate Christians, and the church. Selling hate is easy, people want to hate. But the guilt? People feel that pointing out "injustice" will assuage their own guilt and flagging self esteem. An older atheist, Friedrich Nietzsche pointed this out in "On the Genealogy of Morality"

*They monopolize virtue, these weak, hopelessly sick people, there is no doubt of it: ‘we alone are the good and just,’ they say, ‘we alone are homines bonae voluntatis.’

They walk among us as embodied reproaches, as warnings to us – as if health, well-constitutedness, strength, pride and sense of power were in themselves necessarily vicious things for which one must pay some day, and pay bitterly: how ready they themselves are at bottom to make one pay; how they crave to be hangmen."*

A Christian, CS Lewis, pointed this out in Mere Christianity - how to live in a world of pure hatred. He writes:

"Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one's first feeling, 'Thank God, even they aren't quite so bad as that,' or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies are as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally we shall insist on seeing everything -- God and our friends and ourselves included -- as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred,"

  1. Trudeau’s dad was in power at the time. He supported this. He's just as evil and corrupt as his son.

  2. Imagine being in school in 1780. Childhood mortality is is 1/10 under good conditions.

You live in a shit hole native land that later Trudeau Sr will keep you banished to, limited supplies. Local childhood mortality without white people was 1/5.

You build a school.

Indians start dropping off kids at school and not picking them up, it's suddenly full of orphans.

Despite conditions school has 1/8 childhood mortality.

Educate an entire generation of children, due to medical technology a lot still die.

Bury the kids respectfully with wooden crosses as you are teachers not stone masons.

100s of years pass.

Some people dig up the graves.

oh heck, white people are terrible.

As u/risingtide points out - Tsimshian (northwest coast of BC) checking in, another thing that gets glossed over with this bullshit is that for a lot of natives the residential schools were a better option than living with your parents or other relatives that raped you on the regular, or prostituted you for drugs and alcohol. What my wife, her sisters and brothers, her mother, etc etc went through is horrific. What stopped it? White men removing them from the “homes”. Her one brother ended up molesting and raping some of our family and then recently blew his head off. The disease that came over with the early explorers, from livestock and men, wiped almost all of us out. Shit was already pretty rough, many of us kept slaves depending on status, we wiped out entire people’s and so on. What stopped that? White men. Middle class white chicks and broken men are the worst, the bullshit being spewed right now is unbearable.

Times weren't good. Even for the indigenous, they were regularly resorting to cannibalism at the time. - including forcing french settler to eat their own cooked children not long before. Read "A Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of John R. Jewitt"

As u/canadian2021 points out "I met a 90 year old couple a few weeks ago who still have a living memory of the residential schools. They said that parents of the children could not wait to send their kids off to school each year because it meant they didn't have to take care of them. It was basically a government sponsored free boarding school to them. Most of the time it was not RCMP officers showing up and taking all the kids away by force like the media is portraying it.

Sometimes the kids would show up to the schools with clothing that hadn't been changed in months. The nuns would have to peal them off, bath the children, and give them new cloths."

This is nothing new - In early CCP Western Taiwan, lots of people would drop off starving, horribly ill and clearly dying children at catholic/Christian churches/monasteries. It hardly needs pointing out that most of these children died. The CCP then turned the population against the churches with claims of child abduction, murder and spreading disease to children in an effort to destroy them or force them out of the country so they couldn't compete with them culturally. Many of the same people who dropped their kids off, on death's door, were among the ones were out for blood.

  1. They are unmarked but not undocumented. They are children who died from disease over the course of a century, given Christian burials. Not a single grave.

People forget how common it was to die of disease prior to the mid 20th century.


  1. Look up the origins of the word "Racism". The residential schools were started by anti-racists who believed it was wrong to just leave the Indians to their own devices.
