Romaine ruled that former chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw made recommendations and ultimately implemented the restrictions, but it was cabinet which wielded the final decision making power.
Alberta's Public Health Act does not allow for the CMOH to delegate her decision-making powers to politicians.
*But Romaine also ruled that even if the proper decision-making framework was in place, Albertans' constitutional rights would not have been violated.
Romaine found that any infringements on Albertans' rights that did occur were "amply and demonstrably justified" under the Charter because of the nature of the unprecedented public health emergency.*
Lmao 5 comments from reeetards you guys really don't like when I quote the article you guys are hiding.
Romaine ruled that former chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw made recommendations and ultimately implemented the restrictions, but it was cabinet which wielded the final decision making power.
Alberta's Public Health Act does not allow for the CMOH to delegate her decision-making powers to politicians.
*But Romaine also ruled that even if the proper decision-making framework was in place, Albertans' constitutional rights would not have been violated.
Romaine found that any infringements on Albertans' rights that did occur were "amply and demonstrably justified" under the Charter because of the nature of the unprecedented public health emergency.*
Lmao 5 comments from reeetards you guys really don't like when I quote the article you guys are hiding.
You're embarrassing yourself