I'm kinda torn, as it's trivial, childish, and stupid enough to justiify a LOL, not a firing but OTOH I hate Pakistanis? Is that racism? I mean, I don't mind Bangladeshis very much, and they're Muslim people of the same genetic background and share my hate: which mostly stems from the evil of the Pakistani Government over the years...
I'm kinda torn, as it's trivial, childish, and stupid enough to justiify a LOL, not a firing but OTOH I hate Pakistanis? Is that racism? I mean, I don't mind Bangladeshis very much, and they're Muslim people of the same genetic background and share my hate: which mostly stems from the evil of the Pakistani Government over the years...
It was a female Pakistani waitress who wrote "Chinky" on a Chinese family's bill. It wasn't a mixup of Pakistani-Chinese.
I see Reddit’s finest have made its way here