The more I learn about history, the less I like the Liberals. Pierre Trudeau was the one who began the post-war debt borrowing, and it ballooned under Jean Chretien, which forced the World Bank to give a warning to Canada. This forced Chretien to reduce spending, they often tout him as being fiscally responsible when it was the Liberals that started the debt in the first place.
They also tout the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, when it has the glaring loophole of being creatively interpreted by activist judges and activist lawyers. Now we have Canadians living overseas for more than five years voting in our local elections, Omar Khadr being granted millions of dollars of reparations despite committing treason, and now we're obligated to accommodate people who won't (or can't) assimilate.
Canada is a peaceful and stable country because of our geography, less so because of our politics.
The more I learn about history, the less I like the Liberals. Pierre Trudeau was the one who began the post-war debt borrowing, and it ballooned under Jean Chretien, which forced the World Bank to give a warning to Canada. This forced Chretien to reduce spending, they often tout him as being fiscally responsible when it was the Liberals that started the debt in the first place.
They also tout the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, when it has the glaring loophole of being creatively interpreted by activist judges and activist lawyers. Now we have Canadians living overseas for more than five years voting in our local elections, or Omar Khadr being granted millions of dollars of reparations despite committing treason.
The more I learned about history, the less I like the Liberals. Pierre Trudeau was the one who began the post-war debt borrowing, and it ballooned under Jean Chretien, which forced the World Bank to give a warning to Canada. This forced Chretien to reduce spending, they often tout him as being fiscally responsible when it was the Liberals that started the debt in the first place.
They also tout the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, when it has the glaring loophole of being creatively interpreted by activist judges and activist lawyers. Now we have Canadians living overseas for more than five years voting in our local elections, or Omar Khadr being granted millions of dollars of reparations despite committing treason.
The Liberals are not the same party as it was originally, there was a time when they defended Christianity. They haven't been Christian since the 1990s.