650Thunderbolt 24 points ago +24 / -0

"This is not how we treat others," he said.

But, where was he when BLM, Pantifa and other leftist radicals are assaulting and berating anyone who doesn't agree with them. Where is his condemnation of the egg assault on Maxime Bernier? I don't approve of what happened to him but, people like him are complicit in their silence.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

On top of being an expert on opinion polls, you are now an expert on triggering people. Quite the resume you have there. I would venture to say that your comments on triggering are projection, plain and simple. But, I digress, I have broken one of my cardinal rules, never argue with the indoctrinated. I hope everyone has enjoyed this as much as I have. Peace out!

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hardly, I don't trigger easily. You can think that though, whatever reinforces your flawed belief system. Keep living the illusion.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, by the way, sorry about the essay. I know it must be hard for you to read more than one, or two, sentences at a time. Or, to read something that puts someone else's experience into perspective. Actually, the bridge you might want to buy is quite famous. And, it actually leads somewhere, it leads to many places, unlike your belief in polls.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right Of Sask? On a map, that would be Manitoba. Are you sure you're not a Lieberal shill? You are very thin skinned for someone claiming to be from SK. You sure don't sound right to me. By the way, I'm in YQR, an actual SK resident, born and raised. You keep on believing those polls, if you're interested in a bridge, I have one to sell you.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all, I'm not your "Bud". Second, you sound very angry that someone is disagreeing with you. Third, if this is a right wing echo chamber, why do you post so much here? You post more than that Ham Sammich guy. Posting as much as you do makes you part of your so called echo chamber. Oh, are you the voice of reason here? What makes you an expert on what Canadians want? Polls? That's a knee slapper! Now, onto polls. I used to be a member of the Angus Reid polling group for many years, before it became Maru. After it became Maru I stayed for another year. The main reason I left was because the polls were obviously skewed and it was getting worse as time went on. Very loaded questions with answers that I couldn't, in good conscience, agree with. Some polls I couldn't get past the first couple of questions. Now, I knew, at the time, some polls are commissioned and paid for by people, or groups, that have a very vested interest in the outcome of said polls and that, in reality, they were fake and predetermined. I used to filter those out and not complete them but, near the end of my time on Maru it got to be that I was completing hardly any polls. Does that make me an expert on polls? Hardly but, experience is the best teacher. Plus, knowing that Turdoo paid media outlets and pollsters just solidifies things for me. For you to believe that climate change is the number one concern among Canadians, in a time of societal upheaval of the greatest proportion, tells me that you are not in touch with reality.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like I hurt your feelings. You obviously haven't been paying attention, polls are a joke and not credible. Just look at the threads immediately below this one.

650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +2 / -1

Linking or quoting polls seriously lessens the credibility of your argument. Polls are meant to influence people and/or distract from the truth. They are not believable and should be treated as such.

650Thunderbolt 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe it will be like Pennsylvania where they sent out 1.8 million and counted 2.5 million. Or like Georgia where they pulled suitcases of ballots out from under a table in the middle of the night after they sent everyone home. Guaranteed there will be shenanigans.

650Thunderbolt 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't hold back, tell us you really feel.

650Thunderbolt 14 points ago +14 / -0

If someone, or a family, is fully vaccinated, how are they going to be at risk? He's admitting the vaccines don't work with statements like that. What an idiot!

650Thunderbolt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, if their lips are moving, right? Politicians, experts and most "professionals" are easy pickings. My BS detector is pretty sensitive at my age. I can usually pick out a bullshitter/loser/parasite just by how they carry themselves. Body language is very telling. Listening to them talk for the first minute, or less, usually confirms my suspicion. Common sense and life experience are core components of a good BS detector.

650Thunderbolt 4 points ago +4 / -0

You aren't alone. Nothing added up when this first started. Same in 2009 with the H1N1 scare. For whatever reason, I've developed a pretty good bullshit detector and just know that these type of things are scams. Many times I don't know why, at first but, eventually the info gets out that confirms my feeling.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone associated with WEF is suspect. Doesn't matter what political affiliation they pretend to espouse. They are all snakes.

650Thunderbolt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't you find it odd that within a week of claims of voting machine fraud in the US election Elections Canada comes out with that statement without any provocation? Maybe I missed something but, to me, that came out of nowhere. It screams CYA. Yes, we use pencil and paper to vote but, what happens after that? Somewhere in the process there has to be tabulation, numbers entered into computers. That's where the shenanigans most likely happen. Don't forget that in the last election the CPC won the popular vote, where the CPC won seats they won by a large margin and where the Lieberals won they just squeaked by. Cheating by just enough to not make it obvious? Given Turdoo's "popularity" at the moment even another minority is highly suspect.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

And only one year after near perfect conditions and bumper crops. Hey, it's the weather, it's different every year. That's the nature of farming, always has been, always will be.

650Thunderbolt 11 points ago +11 / -0

I would love to buy that guy a beer!

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

This^^^^ I've been thinking this same thing for the last week. Turdoo is massively unpopular, getting heckled where ever he goes, no big crowds of supporters, somewhat similar to Sleepy Joe. My guess is no matter what the polls say, Turdoo wins a majority, possibly by a landslide. It will be so obvious to anyone with more than 3 braincells but, the Cabal don't care anymore about optics. They are going to go all out where they can. Someone, who's name rhymes with 17, said, "Watch CA" Most people thought that meant California. Maybe they meant Canada. Should it go that way I will be curious to see how Canadians react to a massively stolen election.

650Thunderbolt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obviously never lived under Sharia Law. She wouldn't be able to beak like this under Sharia. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be so "fascinated". '.

650Thunderbolt 17 points ago +17 / -0

Awesome!!! I posted yesterday about how I hoped the Fuck-face would get it everywhere he goes. Promising, so far!

650Thunderbolt 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tory has a very punchable face. Just saying........

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