One is coloured red, the other blue… >.>
Serious suggestion: with some of the votes going to the PPC, there’s obvious dismay at the tories being blue grits. For me, irritation with o toole amd the top brass not making Alberta O&G being the key to getting out country back on its financial feet.
Instead, O Toole mouthed stuff hardly anyone sensible cares about, global “warming”, a non existent gun problem, waffle about poor women out of work and the taxpayer being on the hook for daycare, AKA the taxpayer instead of the actual parents being the parents…
I digress, with he AB UPC leadership revealing his true globalist face, crazy idea….. how about bernier concentrating purely on Alberta & SK and either running all PPC in Alberta as a provincial party or (even crazier idea) merging with maverick?
Get AB SK 100% purple, provincially tell Justine Trudeau to go fuck himself, cut Quebec’s oil off, cut BC’s oil off if they both keep fucking us over on he pipelines, and just deal with the friendly border states that want to buy our oil?
Then a reserve threat could be WEXIT.
Quite unlikely but at this rate I’m at a loss of how to properly harness this anger at the Tories abandoning seemingly all sensible policies. Thoughts?
Yes and him winning a seat in Beuce, against a dairy farmer, in the middle of dairy mafia rip off territory, is madness at worst, uphill battle at best. If he ran in a soft Calgary riding (say Skyview) on a pro oil and gas campaign, can’t see how Calgarians wouldn’t love that. They would possibly forgive him for being a frenchy.
According to Canada 338, even PPC winning 9.9% of the vote they don’t even get a seat, no matter how you play with the sliders. I guess I don’t get how it works.
The only silver lining one could get out of this is that it gets the Tory top brass a slap in the face and get back to sensible policies. However I fear it will take Canada becoming an unbearable shit show before smooth brained Naiive left of centre’s realise we need a Harper style admin to fix all the disasters. I’m no expert though. Just who has been an overall good tory PM through history ?
Isnt it only proper restaurants that have been asked to ask for the Nazi papers? Or maybe in ON its fast food too. What a confusing shit show of tyranny
Not wrong. As someone who spends a lot of time in Alberta, I don’t recall o toole head saying the words “oil and gas” once. Albertans are angry with the Tories for abandoning them and going full retard with ‘muh global warming carbon bad mmmk’
Dark days yes. As dark as Trudeaus Ali baba face.
Well. That was a waste of time. As usual the smoothbrains out east scoop it for Justine and it’s a done deal even before the rurals are counted.
Kinda like how the US coasts fuck it up for the rest of the country… Ralph Klein was right. “Eastern bums and creeps”
I really resent the Bloc royally putting a clog in the works. Literally they ‘block’ any real change. If they were only allowed to run for provincial elections not federal, I wonder where the votes would go to? Libs?
Should a party be allowed to run federally if they can’t put at least 1 candidate a province?
Could a strategy for Bernier now be to rejoin the Tories with his crew and influence and voter block to try and change the Tories from the inside?
I’m sure he would get lots of support if there was a merger. Wasn’t there a right of centre party merger back in the 80s?
Just suggestions. The UPC and wild rose had to put their differences aside to boot out the dippers. It’s not ideal but…
I don’t get it.
And that’s just the problem. Today’s Tories are way too wishy washy. Weak on crime, weak on illegal aliens, weak on drugs, weak on the free market.
Their manifesto has way too many gib me dats. $1 equivalent rise this, free child care. “free”… child care. That always tickles me that one. Child care IS free. It’s called ‘mother and father’. ONE of them stays home to look after the kids. I don’t give a crap who.
Also endless “investing” in this, “programs” that. Fuck you moon face o tool head, take an economics lesson you useless RCAF tit head. Did he even see combat? Or did he just push pencils?
Here’s an idea, instead of taking money out of one hand of the tax payer, pushing dollars through the government and ending up with 40 cents of each dollar dropped back into the other hand of the taxpayer…. Why not just TAX US LESS in the first place? That way we get to keep $1.00 instead of getting 40c!!
Who freakin knew!?!?
Durka durka cous cous allans snack bar.
Worked so well in Germany and France hey?
Wonder if UAE took any? Bet minimal to none.
If anything, protest around the provincial legislator buildings
Herr Doctor Bonnie Henry. The Gesundheitfuhrer.
Papers please.
This globalist of a criminal co-conspirator is apparently set for trial.... in 2023 alas.
Her, Adrian "dickhead" Dix (look up his commie past) and slimeball Horgan all need to stand trial for this. Neuremberg 2.0. If found guilty, hanging.
I gather I didn’t miss anything then. Usual bland rhetoric and fighting over each other to be first to do an advanced auction of stolen goods. (Ie our money)
Blowing Big Mike for $20
False flag by the grits?
Hmm maybe they should leave those then, they are kinda cool being that big. Are these trees in the way of a road or something?
Haven’t been following much of this. I assume the trees are either in the way, or it’s needed for paper/wood or something. There’s plenty trees the paper industry plant more or less like a crop, so not sure what’s going on with these particular ones.
Insufferable tree hugging granola munching naiive vegan hippies.
How awful right? Not like we can’t grow anymore trees… bimbo colleague of mine was saying we shouldn’t use so many brochures because of ‘resources’.
I Basically said that the paper industry are some of the biggest tree planters around, and that wood is a renewable resource. She still didn’t get it. Dumb ass tree hugging hippies.
This kinda reminds me of ‘The Church of Atom’ - a religious cult in the ‘Fallout 3’ video game. Adherents would worship an inactive unexploded Fatman hydrogen bomb, and a god called ‘Atom’
Mon Diu! Sacre Blu Tabernac chalis
Had. He took ivermectin and Regeneron
French so doesn’t count as Quebec isn’t a real province.
ducks ;)
Ah, the ol Green Party.
Watermelons. Green on the outside, commie red on the inside.