Canuck55 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, I think you need to be smoking the vaccines to think that 2 billion people are injured from them.

These experts have the same credibility as the experts who pushed the clot shot.

Canuck55 9 points ago +9 / -0

So deadly a disease that you need to be tested to know you’re sick.

Canuck55 14 points ago +14 / -0

Tuchodi is one of the daftest individuals you’ll ever meet. They are the picture definition of the NPC waiting for new instructions to be downloaded.

Canuck55 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought vaccine injuries only happened in fairy tales

Meant for someone else but not for me

Pfizer was out to get me

That's the way it seemed

Adverse effects haunted all my dreams

Then I saw his face, now I'm a Belieber

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

His face is paralyzed, I'm a Belieber

He couldn’t frown if he tried

Canuck55 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know, there’s a point in time when where you ignore all scientific evidence and spout your dogma over and over again, that some people start to wonder whether you’re actually retarded.

Canuck55 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is standard leftist propaganda. They conflate two ideas in an attempt to confuse you into assuming they’re right. (Hint: Lefties are rarely, if ever, correct)

He gives no examples. He wants to draw the picture of an unarmed individual who is gunned down by the police (perhaps he’s stealing a loaf of bread so his nephew can eat). How wrong is it for the police to do that?!?

In reality, police are required to use force or threaten to use force in every interaction they have with a suspect. They provide orders, and there is the threat of force if you don’t follow them. Worse if you’ve got a weapon, then the cops pull their guns on you.

What the left-tard is arguing is that the police have no right to use force in their day (unless the cop’s life is in danger). All this means is that criminals could just walk away and there would be no consequences.

If he was trying to make the argument that police shouldn’t use excessive force in carrying out their job, then guess what retard, that’s already the rules in place. We’re in agreement with that, what a surprise. But he’s not arguing this, because he’s a defund-the-police type of guy.

This is how left-tards lie. They equivocate on language, they obfuscate in attempt to confuse people who don’t think about what they’re saying, they use fallacies, and illogical arguments to attempt to convince you that the nonsense they believe makes sense.

Canuck55 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the fascist-authoritarian left. They hate humanity and they want to destroy the world and rebuild it in a perverse twisted vision of what it once was. This is Rome burning.

Canuck55 9 points ago +10 / -1

R v. Zundel in 1992 set legal precedent on this. This is the power of controlling the courts. You know what you’re doing is illegal, but the liberal patsies still do it.

Is this even a problem? Like, how many people are denying the holocaust? Trudeau is just doing this to suck up to special interest groups, as per his normal disgusting behaviour. He doesn’t care about anything, he just does things for votes. I predict he’ll come out as a tranny by 2025 to win more votes.

Canuck55 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now we disagree with the doctors! Trust us, it isn’t a globalist political agenda we’re pushing!

Canuck55 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am convinced this is uniparty tactics designed to make people happy voting for Doug Ford.

Canuck55 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see Tuchodi post to this thread, and think, surely, he has to agree that sexualizing minors is bad. I mean, only leftist pedos would defend other leftist pedos, and he’s just a bit of a Pfizer shill.

Nope, you’ve seen it here folks, he’s a Pfizer shill and a leftist pedo. Soros bucks all the way.

Canuck55 2 points ago +2 / -0

I honestly have a belief that this fucktard is incapable of making a single right decision ever. Maybe he gets one decision correctly in a day, MAYBE. He’s the type that probably pees on his hands and licks it clean.

Now that he’s buying the F-35, I have a feeling that there’s something wrong with it. Perhaps he’ll insist on getting the anti-racism addon that prevents the plane for shooting other planes of colour.

Canuck55 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I worked with the tub of lard that wrote this article, I’d be afraid of going back to work as she might eat my lunch.

She is right though. The commie’s she voted for shut down the gyms and made it more difficult for people in urban areas to stay healthy.

Canuck55 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, you can downvote me, or you can click on the link see it’s fake news and stop sucking sensationalist alt-right cock.

The problem is that the right will never get taken seriously as long as conspiracy theories that can be debunked by reading one paragraph of text are pushed by folks. “Oh yea, tell me about those vaccines too buddy”

Use some critical thinking skills and stop being a lower-than-liberal educated poster. Jesus Christ.

Canuck55 -1 points ago +2 / -3

A private senator’s bill that orders a study that will go nowhere is a draconian law?

Canuck55 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not “feel” they were doing something, “show others with fake virtue” that they are doing something. They later became political litmus tests.