After reading about false positives and contaminated test kits it seems kinda risky to get tested. The risk in my area is pretty much non-existent anyways. No way I'm standing in line for 7 hours near people who could have the Rona or a cold or the flu, seems like a good way to catch something.
Sounds like they going to hold people down and forcibly inject it into them.
Move out of the country so you don't contribute tax dollars to them? Better for you, worse for them. Other than that, they mess up enough on their own, kinda their own worst enemy.
Sexual and/or physical abuse at a young age is a bit more than just a struggle.
I understand and agree with what your saying, we are not ready yet, the systems aren't in place anywhere in the world that could deal with raising 100k/year previously aborted children (approx. Canada's numbers) to turn them into well adjusted contributing members of society.
Sounds great, except our adoption systems and foster home systems are in shambles and rife wild with abuse and neglect.
There are far more children than there are happy and healthy couples who tragically can't bare children.
I'm not sure of the damage done after recovering from pneumonia or how people were after they recovered from SARS.
I havnt heard much about damage done after covid, other than this sort of lung scarring story which started a few months ago, think it might have been from ventilator over use.
I dont know why the damage wouldn't be comparable to other serious respiratory viruses or infections.
Riots wills lead to insurrection, or atleast an attempt. I dont think it'll get very far, once the leadership is arrested for incitement and sedition the rest will fall away. Will not be a nice couple years down there.
Playing the biggest stupid game gonna win the stupid grand prize. I feel bad for the innocents that will be caught up it in.
Aww god damn it, I dont follow new terrible beers.
I want to make a craft beer that's called "Real Communism" it will be a horrible IPA, almost undrinkable, 8.5% alcohol, 9.99 a tall can.
The ads write themselves, 2 antifa are talking,one pulls out a Real Communism and asks his buddy if hes tried it, then says, "Of course not, no one has" they laugh and russian style music plays.
Have some contests, like the point based ones where people have to buy tons of the products to enter more chances. "Free trip to Moscow!!!" Small print would stipulate that it's a one way ticket.
Once they finish building the camps
I tried commenting in there, same with the kingston sub. Really seems like if your not more scared than they are your a troll or a bot
It is terrorism, it says it right in our anti-terrorism laws. Blocking or interfering with ports or important supply chain infrastructure is terrorism.
Hiwd she even get ricin? That shit's not easy to make.
So theres more weekly deaths from overdoses and the liberals want to give more people free narcotics. It's like deaths are fine as long as covid isnt on the death certificate. Kinda how gang crime is fine as long as it's just stabbings and human trafficking but if they shoot eachother it's a huge problem.
Is that not treason and making threats against a sitting president?
I agree, I'm just wondering if the alternative would be much more heavy handed, Turdo seems to think people only need 2k a month and no freedom or liberty. Its insanity and they're getting away with it through fear mongering. Ford has really been a disappointment but I think theres more going in behind closed doors.
I more ment it would be "covid related deaths" "well they died in a covid camp, of course it was covid that killed them"
Part of me thinks that if Ford didnt do things like this then Trudeau would shit all over him and take control and make it stricter and worse.
Not trying to defend Fords actions but certainly seems like damned if he does damned if he doesnt.
Yup, having 300 positive tests in a day when they only ran 3000-4000 tests is much different than having 400 positive tests when they run 25000-30000 tests.
How many of these "cases" are asymptomatic and how many are false positives.
I totally agree, should have actually protected the vulnerable and left us alone.
Remeber, if you dont own a firearm your just collecting supplies for someone who does.
How far along are they in building those Quarantine Camps? I'm sure they will wait until those are done before they play their hand, would be hard to kick down doors and drag families away if they have no camps to ship them to. Then when the virus spreads like crazy and wipes out the camps, kinda like typhus, they can say, see it worked all those people had it.
Do you really think Wynne would have handled the Rona better the Dougie? I dont like what hes done or how he handled the teachers strikes but I cant see Wynne not caving and doing a far worse job.
She didnt understand that hiking energy costs would make people pick between food or heat.
Why should I have to lock my front door or car and keep valuables out of sight in the downtown core?? We should be teaching people not to steal! /s