Save the Planet - Smother Everyone

Grandma Dies Alone - Your Mask Won't Stop That

Everyone Dies Alone In A Lockdown

A Year Without Human Contact - Just Put Grandma Down Already

Be Humane - Deprive People of Basic Rights

Destroy The Future Some More - That Will Help

Just Drink The Kool-Aid - It Would Be faster

Everything Goes Back To Normal When You Do

Solve Overpopulation - Suicide Saves Lives

No One Wants To Die Alone - Except Your Grandma Apparently

Do More - To Destroy Our Children's Future

Destroy Your Children's Future Some More

Your Compliance Has Tripled The Wealth Gap

Failing Economies Bring War

Do Your Part To Help Start WWIII - Punish More People For Living

The World Needs Love - So Isolate Them All Until They Die

Burn More Virgins - That Will Stop The Bad Weather

Love Is Contagious - Stay Home

Self Isolation Is A Warning Sign - Is Your Neighbor A Serial Killer?

Only You Can Prevent Government Retardation


Just an observation.


So sick of it. People need to start facing consequences.


Anyone remember when the Media covered this? Any media?


7.3 with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake:

7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;

7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;

7.3.4 distribute transparent information on the safety and possible side effects of vaccines, [BULLSHIT HERE:] working with and regulating social media platforms to prevent the spread of misinformation;

7.3.5 communicate transparently the contents of contracts with vaccine producers and make them publicly available for parliamentary and public scrutiny;

Of course there is a WHOLE LOT of extraneous bullshit in there about "controlling misinformation" [limiting free speech]. But I would think that this particular part of the ruling would be pretty damn important, right?

I'd guess it was a little to inconvenient to the Covid Passports plan and total regulation of all human activity on planet earth.


All the Elites really want is a world where the mouthbreathers are legally required to cover up their filthy mouthbreathing mouths and maintain the required six feet social distance from their betters at all times.

Also, making it so no one else can afford anything except the Elites will help fill the void in their souls where all the things they can already afford have no meaning anymore.

I mean, sure, it's nice to be able to afford a private jet, but what could possibly make it better? Making sure no one else can even afford/deal with the restrictions to fly at all!

They are just trying to fill the emptiness in their vapid satanic souls people! Why can't we all just agree to let them have our cake and eat it too? Think of your betters!

The Whitelight Zone (media.omegacanada.win) ☭ BLM ☭
posted ago by Isolated_Patriot ago by Isolated_Patriot
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