LeftyMcleftface 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hey all, a content creator I follow on Twitter is looking for clips of bad takes on the convoy protestors if you'd care to help him out.

Here's an example of his work. https://rumble.com/vlownq-kyle-rittenhouse-murder-or-self-defense.html

LeftyMcleftface 2 points ago +4 / -2

I personally believe in freedom of the press, #FreeAssange, so I have no issue with this. As long as anyone reports the news fairly I have no problem with them or what the source of the info is.

What I do have an issue with is how the CBC and the corporate media outlets have been lying about the protestors, claiming they're all Nazis and White supremacists. Everyone with half a brain knows ANY large group of people is going to have shitheads in it.

I actually found a decent video from the CBC on the convoy. There's only one part of it I took issue with, where the reporter says there's a lot of misinformation and then plays a clip of a dude saying Trudeau got 3 shots and still got COVID. It's like how many breakthrough cases need to happen before people realize the vaccine doesn't stop the spread? It may reduce the spread, and it certainly reduces hospitalizations and deaths, but it doesn't prevent you from getting or transmitting the disease.


LeftyMcleftface 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with pretty much all of that. I've seen people who I thought I could trust get into office and then just completely sell out, like AOC and Bernie down in the states. All they do now is sheep herd people into the Democratic party. I'm sure you have similar issues with politicians on the right claiming they're going to support Conservative policies and then get in and do nothing.

You think Polievere will be one of those if he wins?

LeftyMcleftface 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, Conservatives don't like their tax dollars going towards anything.

LeftyMcleftface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I absolutely loathe this guy, so he's perfect for the Conservatives. It's not even so much his policies it's just I think he's a pompous asshole; mostly because he's a pompous asshole.

I'd rather live in Yemen than have him as the PM. 🤣

LeftyMcleftface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a big fan of Rumble and other alternative platforms because I'm in favor of free speech.

LeftyMcleftface -2 points ago +1 / -3

Last time I checked on the stats COVID is eleven times more deadly than the flu and 2.25 x more infectious, which doesn't sound like a whole lot until you factor in the exponential rate of spread.

Both of those factors, but ESPECIALLY the latter one make it much more dangerous.

As I said in this post


after 10 infection cycles with the average seasonal flu a total of approximately 12 people would have been infected. With COVID 19 that number would be 37,916.

So even if the death rate of COVID were the same as the flu, which it isn't, it'd still be more deadly just because it has the ability to infect far more people.

LeftyMcleftface 1 point ago +3 / -2

Let's assume for the sake of argument that COVID is real, is as infectious as advertised and can kill or seriously damage people's organs as we've been led to believe. I know a lot of you don't believe any of this, but for the sake of argument...

What would you do to solve the problem? I hear you guys rail against lockdowns constantly because you don't like them, but what is your actual solution? Tax cuts? The Free market magically making COVID go away? Or would you just ignore it and let people die because of some Ayn Rand survival of the fittest bullshit?

I'm serious, if you were in charge what would you do to protect people from COVID?

LeftyMcleftface -2 points ago +2 / -4

Socialism and Totalitarianism are different things. One is an economic system and the other is isn't.

The people who ran from places like the USSR, East Germany, North Korea, etc weren't running from Socialism. They were running from Totalitarianism.

LeftyMcleftface 4 points ago +4 / -0

After taking a gander at the Charter I believe you guys are right. Not about Conservatism of course, that's awful! ?

Seriously though, do any of you know if someone has launched a charter challenge against the lockdowns?

LeftyMcleftface 5 points ago +6 / -1
  1. Does this guy record every knock on his door? lol

Anyway, yeah this ain't cool. A simple phone call or email would have sufficed; and if he didn't break any law why are they coming to talk to him?

This should get more coverage, but it won't because Rebel Media is a joke, and rightly so.

This country could benefit from a Conservative news network that isn't run by an egomaniacal nutjob.

LeftyMcleftface 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've watched this video many times, love James Duane!

One thing that's different in Canada though, and TBH I'm not a fan. Here in Canada if you're being detained and you tell the cops you're going to remain silent they can still keep asking you questions.

LeftyMcleftface 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm one of the few Progressives who doesn't give a shit about climate change. Not because I think it's a hoax, but because I think we're past the point of no return, and even if we weren't there's exactly ZERO chance in Hell the human race could get its act together enough to fix the problem.

It's like being on the Titanic and all the lifeboats are gone. I could run around like a chicken with my head cut off screaming or, I could sit back with a nice glass of brandy, a fine cigar and listen to the band play Nearer My God To Thee as we go down. (Though I'm afraid of drowning so I'd put a bullet in my head before the VERY end.)

So I don't conserve, I only recycle because my fuckin city put clear garbage bags in, but they allow us one black bag so I sneak shit in there that doesn't belong all the time. I resist whenever possible. Why should I discomfort myself if we're all fucked anyway?

LeftyMcleftface 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the U.S. you can't sue the President or indict them. They'd need to leave/be removed from office first. Also I know that Presidents have had Attorneys General interpret laws to mean whatever they want them to mean.

Also as you may know there was an argument that Trump wasn't allowed to pardon himself while he was President. I personally believe that he had the right to. The Constitution doesn't limit the Presidential pardon powers (except for impeachment of course.)

The President ... shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment. -Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1, US Constitution.

People argued that it would violate a part of U.S. common law that held that no one could be a judge in their own case. I didn't buy that argument, but I'm not a legal scholar. I always thought the Constitution was the supreme law of the land in the U.S. but maybe common law outranks it.

LeftyMcleftface 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was curious if the GG has Sovereign Immunity like the Queen does when I heard that Payette may have assaulted someone. I couldn't find an answer though. The closest I came was that Lt. Govs can't claim sovereign privilege. A Quebec Lt. Gov tried and was refused by the courts.

It looks like the Queen is responsible for civil penalties but not criminal ones, unless I'm misreading it.


LeftyMcleftface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was really disappointed reading that report. I wanted to hear details damn it!

LeftyMcleftface 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean, with such remarkably well thought out and cogent rebuttals to my ideas how could I not?

Well played ma'am.

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