Metamegaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is, without a doubt, a PR campaign to make conservative Canadians look bad to everyone else. Everyone knows Alberta is a conservative province and they want to rub their nose in the fact that there has been a surge in covid cases. Guess What? In the ultra-liberal southwest BC there has been a shit load more covid cases but even among the fearmongering retards life is going on somewhat normally.

Metamegaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, lots of hippies there from what I hear.. Look it up, the "environmentalists" leave more garbage behind than you would think they could even get out there. These douchebags aren't even environmentalists, they're generally just anti-everything involving progress and use environmental buzz words while appealing to people's desire to have an enemy. We'll see how much they like camping in the winter months. Funny part is the local native bands are partners in the logging operations and have told them to get the fuck off their land but they still won't leave! In this day and age going against the will of the natives never turns out but somehow they're managing. They are also incredibly well funded

Metamegaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

These degenerate protesters need to do it the legal way, or expect to get arrested. This is a well funded campaign and the same people keep getting arrested, reattend the protest, and get arrested again. They need to fine them more. The cost to taxpayers is now in the 10s of millions.

The judge is using people's feelings about badges in the judgement:

"And, enforcement has been carried out by police officers rendered anonymous to the protesters, many of those police officers wearing ‘thin blue line’ badges. All of this has been done in the name of enforcing this court’s order, adding to the already substantial risk to the court’s reputation whenever an injunction pulls the court into this type of dispute between citizens and the government.”

The thin blue line patches worn by some RCMP enforcing the injunction have been described as a symbol of police solidarity in Canada. But Justice Thompson noted that they “are seen as provocative and insensitive by some of the citizens they serve.”

Metamegaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haven't they tried this before?

Metamegaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

“We will not accept an apology after you realize what you’ve done. We will work to defeat you and bring in progressive climate champions who are antifa and pro LGBT and pro indigenous sovereignty and Zionists!!!!!” wrote Zatzman, who is gay.

This guy is mentally ill.

Metamegaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

You love to see it. They were criticized by the lefties for having the "least diverse" lineup of candidates (because true diversity means people that look different) so they went full affirmative action and surprise surprise they imploded! Not only are they a dumpster fire, but she's claiming her failures are the result of racism within the green party. Maybe they should have picked the most qualified individual to be leader.

Metamegaman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Any time that anyone, in any situation, makes a "call for unity" it means they don't know what the fuck is going on and they have no plan to fix their issues.

Metamegaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at all those racists in the Green party!

Metamegaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

"The documents show police devoted considerable resources to the investigations, but in the end, did not press any charges."

"Instead, the results for both Mohamed, 28, and Khoshnood, 30, were terrorism peace bonds that saw them released but ordered to follow a list of conditions that include a ban on driving and wearing an ankle bracelet."

Honk honk

Metamegaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

If what you say is true, then their strategy was flawless and they picked up more swing voters than they lost to the PPC. And why would they want those fringe, racist, extremists to vote for their party anyhow? They are the scum of the earth!

Metamegaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

If that's the case then the blame is owned by the CPC executive for pushing out a big chunk of they're base....but I was originally told "ITS UNDER 2% AND THEY'RE ALL ULTRA RACIST!"

Metamegaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Question: Did the CPC gain more votes than they lost by moving to the left? If not, maybe the blame lies more with the CPC executive than it does with the individuals voting for representation. God forbid people vote for a party that has a platform that aligns with their beliefs. Having said that if I didn't live in a left wing strong hold I would have voted CPC if they had a fighting chance. They did not.

Metamegaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's never too soon. CPC needs PP now more than ever. They shouldn't have kicked out Sloan.

Metamegaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's the thing. Maybe both this site and the conservative party can start to set their eyes on the future and work towards some progress. Maybe the conservatives can work on trying to keep the conservatives happy and maybe go for the center-right vote instead of the center-left vote. O'toole has to go. So does the bullshit left wing mantra of calling anyone you disagree with a racist or whatever other hyperbole you can drum up.

When I joined metacanada and then did the segway to omegacanada I thought I was a part of the rational Canadians that embraces our history, culture, fiscal restraint, small government, individual liberty, accountability and shunned the crazy BLM, critical race theory, antifa violent whining, multiple gender mental disorder and general communist bullshit. I didn't know the vision for this place was to be a cheerleading echo chamber for the CPC regardless of who is at the helm or what direction they're going.

I like you Hammy, except when you're on your anti PPC outbursts. This election brought out the worst in you. Can we try to make this place fun and productive again?

Metamegaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good news for the real conservatives in the party.

Metamegaman 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hate to say it but Hammy was right in a few ridings where the PPC could be assumed to have spoiled a conservative outcome, but honestly it's been shown a decent amount of voters were taken from other parties purely on the vaccine passport issue.

Metamegaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

I, too, hate Ontario.

Edit: But LOL at Annamie Paul with a commanding loss. Soon to be another one of her accusations of racism both from within the Green Party and from the more intelligent non-members.

Metamegaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Talk radio said they don't count them until the polls have all closed to ensure there aren't double voters, then it will take 24-48 hours so close ridings won't be called until Wednesday or Thursday.

Metamegaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe the story goes: they gave her notice of termination but subsequently changed it to suspension with pay after the fact.

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