SuddenlyClintoned 3 points ago +3 / -0

Y'know what's always confused me with the climate change thing.

We have real problems, actual problems with the environment. The least of which is cars. Making them more efficient was a good idea, for sure. But how far can you go? Take them away? Make everything electric and shock the grid and store the batteries for sometime in the future like it's 80's nuclear waste?

We can manufacture here or buy from our neighbours, not china. We can quit dumping sewage and runoff into our oceans. We can move to nuclear power. We can invest in our own improvement in many ways.

If they were addressing any of those things with the force they address us, I'd say they're just taking it too far by targeting citizens. But they ignore/deny problems with the systems they have; which leads me to believe its malicious. No different than why covid was handled how it was. Control.

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

Victimhood is a currency. It always has been in my lifrtime, but it's especially ramped up since 2010ish.

Emo, goth, etc was always the same sect of children. But that was harmless long-term, beyond looking back and teenage photos and wondering why you thought black nails were a good idea.

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

BC wildfire team said immediately that it was not caused by the train.
If I recall, it was called while the fire was still burning, based on satelite imagery: human caused, 3 or more ignition points around town.

The media took hold of "eye-witness" reports that it started when the train came through town and ran with it.

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heroes yesterday, scourge today.

The food production industry is no different. I didn't miss a single day, and in fact worked every day for the first 81 days of the pandemic to keep people fed. Now, people despise me.

SuddenlyClintoned 9 points ago +10 / -1

You're trying entirely too hard. It's honestly so cringe.

Like, I'm on the fence between my local CPC, but the ad-homonim attacks to the most sane alternative make me really not want to do that....

SuddenlyClintoned 12 points ago +12 / -0

This comment is beautiful. Reading it makes me feel like I've found a new home.

SuddenlyClintoned 14 points ago +14 / -0

Honestly, I was considering voting Conservative this go around because my local PPC is a early 20s kid and the last one botched the PPC name by becoming a religious zealot.

But funny enough, Ham's brigading is gonna make me throw my vote to the PPC again, even though I like my local CPC rep, I cannot continue supporting the tar&feather take. I expect it from the media, but thought this place would be actual discussion.

SuddenlyClintoned 11 points ago +11 / -0

The big one in Vancouver on the 1st showed a crowd parting to let the ambulance passed.

It slowed down its trip about 45 seconds, granted. But they certainly did not block it.

SuddenlyClintoned 1 point ago +1 / -0

"were focusing on those who are at higher risk of getting sick"
I thought that was the point of the vaccine, no?

Also, I saw the patent on this. It's basically phizermectin.

SuddenlyClintoned 7 points ago +7 / -0

Of the first 2780 in isreal to get their 3rd shot, 18 were dead in 7 days(0.7%)

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was working during this one. But you'll see me out Sept 18th.

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

The correct answer to "get off my property" when you're an uninvited guest is "yes sir", fuck the whiney voice dude trying to accuse him of being rude for no reason at all.

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

An army medic describing vaxx reactions in the US army described it best:

"PhD's understand the data, they understand what's going on. The uneducated understand what they don't know and do not trust their governments; and so, look to the educated for the data and analysis. But the slightly educated seem to trust the officials without critique"

SuddenlyClintoned 3 points ago +3 / -0

Y'know. Even as someone who knows the data, that statement looks deluded at first glance.

Then you consider evidence at hand: isreal vaccinated 2780 people with their third dose and 18 died within 7 days. That's 0.7% in 7 days. What happens 4 weeks later? 6 months later? What happens when they issue dose 4 in March-April when it still isn't working?

SuddenlyClintoned 17 points ago +17 / -0

My girlfriend lost everything, but took solace in it maybe being over after university... But the fear of being kicked out if a mandate drops has gotten to her. Pretty sure she'd gonna go get it now.

I won't be joining her. You aren't alone.

SuddenlyClintoned 3 points ago +3 / -0

Canada day celebrated far more injustices corrected than created.

We stopped the residential school bullshit before I was born.
That doesn't mean it was right. That doesn't even mean it was a good idea at the time.
That doesn't mean people weren't harmed. That doesn't mean there aren't people alive today with trauma or circumstance left from those actions.

It means we have corrected that wrong. Celebrate that. Keep championing this country. If you continue mourning it, we might as well dig its grave.

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

8 weeks after the first is what Québec appears to ask.

Pick a date just past that(11-15 weeks since last shot? 3 weeks from when you tried to book?), make it at the same place you got your last, and make it sound inconvenient that you had to wait longer than you wanted.

Then mention it once and don't make a big deal of it after that. The more you talk and the more details, the more chances you offer to challenge you.

Next step, move. Start with an exit plan now.

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shame, because this would literally be one of the best communities to find candidates...

But being outed as posting here outside of the politics world is suicide.

SuddenlyClintoned 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly, the odds of them dying is low(so far as we know thus far). Don't fret over it too badly.

I'm the only one in my family that isn't an MSM sheep, so I'm the only one who hasn't gotten it, most have been ok so far - my sister has had it the worst, she's had a heart arrhythmia and chronic fatigue for the last 2 months.

I really hope the theories that it could cause long term damage/death are incorrect... They may not be. But everybody has the right to decide for themselves. Your family included.

SuddenlyClintoned 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly.... Pull the Karen card. Call corportate/the manager and ask "for clarification on their mask exception policy"

That isn't their policy, it is illegal, and they'll have it corrected for your next visit.

I've got a medical condition where I can't wear one for long, if at all most days. I occasionally wear one for drop off/pick up things, but I can't shop with one on.
The only time I've had an issue, I called the store and asked for clarification and followed up with "I don't want them in trouble, but I hope they're informed of your policy" and I've never been bothered since.

Normally I'm with everybody else and say "shop elsewhere", but in my case the store location housed a pharmacy that had been very accommodating to me. It's usually a low level staffer who has no idea of policy who's seen someone "stick it to anti-maskers" online and think the law favours their actions.

SuddenlyClintoned 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because the spike protein cannot be talked about in a medical sense, let alone correcting it... I'm just gonna keep with my multivitamin/D/Zinc/NAC set of dailies that I started when I was ACTUALLY scared of covid(Jan-March 2020)

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're gonna pass it over as "not that bad" or "another, worse virus did it".

See: DDT

SuddenlyClintoned 2 points ago +2 / -0

The same lancet that published a fake study saying Hydroxychloroquin increased heart risk 842%.... Science is compromised.

For the record: That study had to be retracted 2 weeks later, btw. It was written by an adult actress and a sci-fi novel author claiming to "have access to the world's largest medical data collection center" or something.... Not actual scientists. Proven false within days.

Edit: posted before reading other comments. I'm glad nobody forgets around here. The only place where not everybody is a goldfish.

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