Justin Trudeau is a fucking cunt.


Have you visited Poal.co? It's a filthy website, but it is being blocked in Canada. Try accessing it. Now use an extension (like Browsec) to change your country to the USA. You can easily see the website.


The government only works because of the faith, and trust people have in it. Well, they have destroyed that, so what's stopping us from having our own people's government? If we all agreed to it, it would technically work. We wouldn't have to go to war.

The first step is literally just finding a new form of currency that can't be controlled by a small group of people. (Maybe a new cryptocurrency, but one with proper regulations.)

Then we all agree to accept this new currency, and not the loonie, and we can trade with one another.

And we distribute the money as needed to keep the essential parts of the current government working.

This is step one because a new currency is the keystone to destroying an old government. Remember that they use money to control the police, and military, who then control the people.

Crazy or no? I think the 1st problem is finding a smart leader with a good heart.


They're all so cookie-cutter. They think they're smarter than everyone else, and they feel the need to be rude about it, calling people losers, and morons.

But they don't show any evidence that the "anti-maskers" are wrong. It's just name calling, and aggression. That's how they argue. Typical regressive liberal. And their vote has the same power as yours!


Sorry, I was just thinking about this bullshit on Christmas. It kind of pisses me off. It reminds me of when AIDS first appeared, and people went absolutely crazy. People literally sold their homes to escape gay people.


They love over-regulation, and excessive rules. They're always trying to micro-manage, and control every part of life. And most of the time they only do things that make them FEEL better, but which don't have any positive impact. What's worse is they take money from people by funding projects, and ideas based on virtue signaling.

For example, green projects, and green ideas from liberals. So fucking idiotic. Raising taxes to fight climate change -- but what's the plan? What're you going to do with that money? They haven't said. How is raising the cost of goods, and services helping the environment? This only helps corrupt politicians get rich.

I brought this up after walking around my street on garbage collection day. My shitty city has a million rules for garbage, and recyling. Now they added another, which is that they don't pick up foam, and styrofoam. So, there are all these bags of styrofoam just sitting near the curbside.

Yup, you can't throw this stuff away. It's not recyclable. No, you have to take your fucking styrofoam to a collection center. They say they will take it, and recycle it... Why not just pick it up for recycling then?

They say they'll take it to be made into useful products. They say this is good for the environment. HOW IS IT GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, YAH CUNTS?

You think people are going to keep a bunch of styrofoam sitting in their house? Or do you think they're going to get into their gas-powered vehicles to drop this shit off at the collection place? Or maybe they'll just dump it in some random area?

Yeah, they're gonna dump it in some random area, and pollute the environment. And if they decide to do the right thing, they will use their cars. They're not going to walk somewhere in the dead of winter. So, instead of the city collecting rubbish, they have all the people burning gas to drop off bags of light materials. I thought fucking climate change was a problem, and you're making people drive? Yah dumb fucks.

You know what this? This is some fat, greedy politician's way of making money. They come up with this fucking dumb idea of collecting styrofoam, and processing it, then they get paid.

But aren't all these green programs for profit rather than the environment? Yeah! They fucking are. All these over-regulations, and rules, and green ideas, are for making greedy cunts rich.

These liberals pretend to be doing good, but anyone with their eyes open know that they just want to get rich. And if they're not getting rich they are wasting people's time, and resources. Look at this stupid fucking banning of plastic straws.

NOW THEY HAVE PAPER STRAWS WRAPPED IN PLASTIC. What the fuck is wrong with you dumb liberals?! Holy shit. Stop coming up with these idiotic ideas. Stop making people pay for your bullshit.

But the biggeset bullshit of all is the carbon tax. First, carbon dioxide, which is what is mainly being produced, has a greening effect on the earth. It's not a poison to all creatures. We need a certain amount of it. (D-uh, it gets converted to oxygen.) Second, mankind does not have the abilities to control the weather, and climate. It's literally impossible. Third, more taxes won't make the environment better. How? You're just going to make people more, or force them to work more. When they work more, they pollute more. Isn't it obvious? Look at this scamdemic. People have no jobs, and pollution is down. You raise the cost of goods/services, people will have to work extra hours, AND FUCKING POLLUTE MORE. Idiots.

These liberals, these fat, stinky, stupid, corrupt, greedy, liberal politicians disgust me. They are very evil, very stupid, or both. Also, Justin Trudeau is a vagina.


Fuck 'em. Fuck YouTube. Fuck Google. Stop going to YouTube, everyone. Here are some video websites.

  • bitchute
  • lbry.tv
  • brighteon



You know what I'm talking about. Banning this, banning that, blah, blah, blah. God forbid a straw, which is made out of oil, is disposed of, and buried in the ground!

Or how about the banning of plastic bags? How stupid is this? Wait, you ban plastic bags, and then people just buy plastic bags because they need them. So, now you eliminated the habit of reusing! Which I thought was good for the environment. The three R's! Recycle, reduce, REUSE.

Every fucking day it seems, the politicians keep wanting to be a pain in the ass. Making everything so fucking complex when it does nothing.

There's like a hundred rules for disposing of waste... This doesn't go there. That goes there. Do this, please do that. And every minute they change it. Jesus Christ. Just leave it alone. Who the fuck wants to collect a bunch of styrofoam into a bag, and make a drive to a far off place on their free time? What the fuck? Just have it collected, yah cunts. You're actually causing more pollution by having people do this. They have to get into their gas cars, and take the time to drop this shit off to the special facility. Not only a pain in the ass, that causes pollution! It's fucking ridiculous.

And the government keeps increasing taxes to protect the environment, and they just flush the money down the toilet with idiotic ideas. No, we don't need fucking wind turbines. Wind turbines are bullshit. They look pretty but don't do much.

I say: Stop fucking with the environment, and stop wasting everyone's time, and money, yah fucking dumbshit politicians, and paper-pushers.


So, as you know, a while back Canada changed its national anthem to please feminists. There was the line that goes "in all thy sons command." This is about the soldiers, the men who died fighting for Canada. Now it's "in all of us command" to include women. But how many men, and women died fighting for Canada?

The men, over 115,000. The women? Less than 200. That's LESS THAN TWO HUNDRED. Less than 200 compared to over 115,000! The women aren't even 1% of deaths! Yet they cut out a line from the national anthem that gave a little extra bit of glory to all the men that died fighting for Canada!

What is this bull? Other than the nearly 200 women that died, women haven't done much defending Canada. But today's feminists are so self-centered that it is verboten to give men, who died for Canada, a tiny amount more honor!

Listen, when the women are 1 in 5 deaths, or more, I'll totally accept the newer national anthem. But if not, screw that. Let's go back to the old national anthem that pays homage to the brave soldiers, men, who died fighting for Canada.

Why shouldn't they get a little bit extra glory? The national anthem doesn't even exclude women. It says "WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE." Who the hell is "we"? Yeah, that includes women.

But the feminists don't want to give anything to men. They can't even let male soldiers get one line for themselves. The ladies must have it all even though they've done less than the lads.