uh no he'll get more. This country is done.
Jim Jordan save us
Our election was rigged last time. It was over then. We are done. WEXIT
They have the real cure.
So now what happens?
I am fighting for separation of the country. WEXIT. The left causes all the problems. We tried. It doesn't work. We want to be left alone and they want to push and force their mental illness on us. Separate the country and see who thrives. Let them eat themselves and leave us alone.
I aint watching this video for a retarded product for covidiots. Althought I am interested in how they get the lid onto the applicator without touching it by hand......
This is promoting to Libtards aka racists. Who don't work.........
aaaaaaaaaaaand MSM doesnt care and Libtards have no morals. It's been time to take them down and never let them have power or rights again. They cannot handle freedom. Time to take it away.
Holy fucking hell............
Facebook fact checked.
Marxists shut downs. Churches don't pay taxes so it doesn't benefit the govmt. It is time for more of us to rise up. If you have a business OPEN UP.
100% and we are letting it happen. People like Patrick Allard are the ones brave enough to stand up and take the bruises for the sheep. We all need to be like Patrick.
The left dictates what things are. Reality doesnt matter.
uprising begin
They need their rights taken away. We tried. They showed how they act with freedoms and its destructive.
There are probably 8 actual white supremacists in the entirety of Canada. Libtards and MSM can label anything the way they want and I do not know how to deal with it...... It should be illegal but here we are.....
Ya I am no longer participating in society. I do not spend my money. Canada will be officially UBI in months.
100fucking% accuracy
and we just sheep along......
Fuck Canada. Fuck diversity. Fuck lefties. WEXIT