gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who made up this list? It's a nice collage of the various people and their iconic roles. What gets me is we still have about 3 more weeks to get through.

gurumedit 3 points ago +3 / -0

The good thing is they also get the shit in the end too. So there's that.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that right now the mood of the people around the world is already hair-trigger. Look at how quickly that convoy to Ottawa picked up steam not just in Canada, but around the world.

Here is my take on the situation: Should the events in the US become a kinetic civil war, which appears to be the path they are on right now, it would likely set off the rest of the world at the same time. Some of these countries are already involved in internal conflict against their governments but there's not much happening outside the borders of those nations. But if the US goes to war against itself I predict it will set off a chain reaction everywhere with countries full on fighting their governments as the people will decide it's 'now or never'.

I'd also think that governments themselves wouldn't be doing themselves any favors as they'd see what's happening in the US and jump the gun by going after their own people to preemptively stop it from happening in their country. Of course that leading to a civil war anyway. Trudeau has already demonstrated he's seize bank accounts unlawfully already so I have no qualms he'd mobilise the military.

Long rant short: You wouldn't get to fight a US civil war, you'd more than likely be dragged into a Canadian version of it instead

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

They already doxxed him (supposedly) over on 4chan. address, phone number, etc.

Just sayin', I would not be bragging about doing something like this because the lives that would be wrecked by this stunt will want vengeance. Real vengeance. It's partly why I don't think he did it because no one would be that stupid however the left is really emboldened right now and are more concerned with likes and cred so... hmm... I just don't know.

gurumedit 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'd like to say "finally", however talk is cheap. While Moe has softened my disdain for his party with this announcement, he best be moving towards his autonomy plans within the next 3 years before the election if he wishes to sway my vote from the Buffalo party. Else I will consider this empty platitudes.

gurumedit 7 points ago +8 / -1

They're also going after businesses I learned today. Telling them they must vaccinate all their employees with the suggestion that those that don't should be terminated. Not sure what the outcome is to those that won't but its got larger companies freaked out. Won't give details of the incident that I learned this from as it would cause problems for those involved if word ever got back to the wrong people.

That's a very terrifying thought. Want to see the guns come out? Start threatening people's living. May work on some to many of the people but a population that's becoming very distrusting of everything government this is the gasoline on the fire that things get very ugly. Especially in Alberta.

gurumedit 5 points ago +5 / -0

I heard a comment on one of the podcasts I was listening to so I really can't confirm any of this, but the speaker was saying that the Chinese community is moving their votes to PPC because they fear what is happening in Canada and the PPC is the only ones pushing back on all this.

Guess we'll see how true that is on election night.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're crazy on that island. Much of the GVA is the same, but that island brings even more crazy than usual. Maybe them dumping their raw sewage into the ocean and then eating the fish around the waters have damaged them.

gurumedit 9 points ago +9 / -0

Reminds me of the Meadow Lake reserve in Saskatchewan:

Had funding to have their own fire department on their reserve. So they got (not bought) a fire truck and gear to fight fires. Years later, the gear was gone. The truck had been raided for parts and useless.

So they paid the town a few kilometers away money to cover the town's cost for fire coverage. A few years later they stopped paying for some reason (like you can't guess why). The town covered them for a while with fire coverage but warned them that they would be terminating coverage. They were warned numerous times including meetings with representatives of the town.

Was ignored.

The result: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/2-toddlers-killed-in-house-fire-on-makwa-sahgaiehcan-first-nation-1.2960200

(sorry for the direct link)

gurumedit 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you advocate for censorship to fight what you perceive as fascism, eventually they will do the same to you under the same pretext.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was the show any good? I shut it off after watching the cold open for the first episode where they're trying to suck up to some long letter acronym group that was trying to get discounts on stuff because of their sexuality or something like that.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bullshit. More likely it's the worried vaccinator cult. They're making multiple appointments wherever they can trying to get in as fast as they can and once they get it at one place they just don't bother showing up at the other ones. That's what one of the health PRs on the radio said in our province about all these unfilled appointments.

Stop lying AHS.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I invested in some bitcoin back about 2015 just for fun as it was going up in price to at the time about $500 for one whole coin. Thought it was amusing. Watched it deflate in value to about half its worth the following year or so. Then Boom!

Right now that small investment is worth about 30% of my entire financial assets. Insane. I've added to it in the last few years just because of the value of the dollar going to crap but it's more of a preventative measure of a collapsing dollar than of an investment now. Still I've never had anything that gained in value the way that first little purchase did back then.

Will it go up in value? Will I lose all I invested in it? Time will tell. At least I have learned a lot from the ride.

gurumedit 5 points ago +5 / -0

Who's they? (looks up) What's an NBC? Is that one of those things they used to have on those things they used to call TV before they became known as Flat Screens and Smart Phones?

gurumedit 6 points ago +6 / -0

You know this kinda sounds like a fun plan. Get the Jacuzzi suite in one of their more luxury rooms and veg out in front of the TV watching re-runs of TV shows that were not woke. Since it's likely we're not going to get to Banff this year for a few days away this might be the next best romantic trip.

What a horrible thing for this girl that she's so absolutely demoralized and afraid that even if she did this she probably couldn't enjoy her staycation anyway.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm. Lots of wilderness around that area. Lots of it. Good place to unwind from technology and go on a walkabout to clear one's head. Lots of people who get a little full of themselves around here take unexpected journeys like this and come back from their treks a little more humble.

by skanon
gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0


gurumedit 8 points ago +8 / -0

Someone over there actually took the time to report your post as a sketchy link. Since I still have mod powers over there I just went and approved the link.

I think it's the first time I even looked in on the old subreddit in almost 6 months.

gurumedit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Buffalo party may start winning seats next election. Some places where they ran limited candidates last time they came in second place, and that was before many people knew who they were.

gurumedit 8 points ago +8 / -0

Alright. The Montreal cops thing was bad enough.

This motivated me to subscribe again. Although I don't know what I will do with a subscription plan, I get a 30 day 'trial' period.

Thanks Rebel crew. Be watching you on Bitchute.

gurumedit 3 points ago +3 / -0

This feels so staged. No video of the actual altercation, just after-the-fact video with two hot-heads at each other.

Kick both of them out of the store and ban them from returning.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

If/when they start cracking the security on bitcoin keys, there's going to be a whole lot of other problems in our world as pretty much all security from commerce to weapons of war are all dependant on encryption.

Your friend is F-U-Dding you.

gurumedit 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just got back from a short work trip in Alberta. I'm not kidding, I just got back from a town that no one is wearing masks and most of them were like the people in this video. Go into any business and staff are not wearing them. Everyone is smiles and happy. It's great. Apparently the Alberta Health(?) goons tried going after them with tickets and such and the mayor told them to just F off. (according to a local)

I don't want to give out the name of this town because I don't want to see the whole friggin' country madness descend upon this place and harass these good people. The name did come up in the news with regards to the church with the pastor(?) that was jailed recently. That's all I will say.

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