mshecubis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't let anyone know you have a gun unless you trust them with your life.

mshecubis 8 points ago +8 / -0

Nuremberg trials only happen when somebody loses a war.

mshecubis 11 points ago +11 / -0

The conservatives should have done more to earn the votes that went to the PPC.

mshecubis 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've been called a nazi since I was 5 years old just because my parents were german immigrants. It doesn't phase me one iota because I learned early on that most people who go around calling people nazis have no fucking idea what they're talking about and wouldn't recognize a nazi if one was asking them for their papers.

O'toole and the cpc will be worse than useless, because even if they try to change anything, someone will call them a racist and they'll fold like a lawnchair.

mshecubis 8 points ago +8 / -0

What are your principles? Are you going to support Canada's march towards a facist police state just to prove how not "racist" you are?

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not surprised in the least. You have to be a fucking moron to think these facists will do anything different from Trudeu's "liberals".

mshecubis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fuck their mandates.

mshecubis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Over my dead body. And theirs too if they fucking try it.

mshecubis 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's not gonna repeal shit, he'll flip flop on this like he did with the vax mandates.

The conservatives are a fucking joke.

The only positive thing that would happen if O'Toole wins, is that when the leftists inevitably start calling him a facist, for the first time they'd actually be right.

mshecubis 5 points ago +5 / -0

When can we sue them for misreprenting themselves as a conservative party, when they're clearly just bunch of fucking facists just like the liberals?

Also, fuck each and every son of a whore that votes for a party that wants to implement a vax pass. Each of you cocksuckers should be rounded up and have a tattoo forcibly marked on your face so you can be identified as the fucking facists you are. And never be allowed to vote ever again.

You should be fine with that, since you clearly have no repect for other people's basic human rights anyway, and can therefore eat a giant bag of dicks when yours are subsequenly violated in turn.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

They must be talking about medical pandemics, not political ones.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Japan went nuclear by promoting ivermectin as a treatment and recalling the moderna vax because they found a bunch of fucky shit in it that scared them.

mshecubis 5 points ago +5 / -0

I got into crypto early this year because I wanted to learn how to trade while paying the lowest commision fees possible, I never thought crypto would amount to anything aside from a stepping stone to become a stock daytrader.

That said, once I started to go down the rabbit hole of researching defi, smart contracts and and the potential of blockchain technologies, the more I've come to realize that crypto is more dangerous to the current power dynamic than 3000 dollar nukes could hope to be.

This technology has the potential to render corporations, governments, and most importantly, bankers, completly obsolete. And I don't think they have any time left to stop what's happening.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apeasment doesn't work Ham. They're not trying to stamp out racism. They're trying to stamp out dissidents and counter-revolutionaries. And that includes you.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

We just have the wrong brown people. Need more cubans like they got in florida.

But they won't come here because we're too communist for their taste.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

The global elites behind the new world order are insufferably arrogant and overconfident. They are not as clever or as powerful as they think they are.

Trump is a middling business man and game show host with a massive ego and a great deal of narcisism. He is not some super genius despite what the trumpists claim. He makes a lot of mistakes, the vaccines being one of them. He's already backpeddling by asking his supporters to not vaccinate their children.

In spite of all his failings, he won an election that was heavily rigged against him, and very nearly won a second to such a degree that the forces arrayed against him had to throw everything they had at him and expose themselves to the public.

The globalist plan is beset on all sides by problems. People are waking up. They were very nearly foiled by Donald Trump of all people, and that may very well still happen. Meanwhile crypto is emerging like a silent juggernaught to crush the very heart of their power: global finance.

I'm not going to lie to you: things are really bad. They are probably going to get much worse. But all this shit is going to get sorted out in the long run, we just need to try and survive the interm.

It's sad that our side has Donald Trump as it's figurehead, but it's fucking hilarious that the globalists can't find anyone that can beat him.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's because rich white people hate poor and middle class white people.

mshecubis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've always considered myself an individual first and foremost.

Now I consider myself an individual and nothing else. "Canadians" deserve what's coming to them for being such a bunch of servile pussies. I'm going to do everything I can to not share their fate.

mshecubis 4 points ago +4 / -0

The last residentual schools closed in the 90's. This was still going on under Trudeu Senior.

Children that died due to illness should have been documented and the parents notified (at the very least). Putting them in an unmarked grave suggests some shady shit going on.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does the icon with the crossed swords signify? High class gansters are into fencing now?

mshecubis 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's all inter-connected though. Western civilization is fucked because our financial system has been hijacked by thieves and liars. That's the root issue. Everything else is just a symptom.

The elites aren't flooding our country with refugees because they care about diversity, they're doing it because it's the only to keep their giant ponzi scheme from collapsing.

mshecubis 29 points ago +29 / -0

This country will cease to exist, but at this point it's hard to say that anything of value will be lost when that happens.

Canada is like Weimar Germany without the culture or rich history.

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