Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

If they were telling the truth the science would support them. Instead, authorities are holding him accountable, something your side doesn't enjoy.

Also define "woke" in your own words

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

Irving Waller's smarter crime control explains how 1$ invested in social programs or targeted solutions saves 4$ down the line adding up to millions while improving society along the way. Canadian professor and cool dude he's prolific and never misses. Angela Davis are prisons obsolete is a succinct good read too.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

Orrr, conservative politics screw over normal people but businesses find the lack of red tape quite to their liking and are giving cons money outstripping NDP and liberal funding for campaigning.

Urallfucked -4 points ago +1 / -5

Read a book maybe idk he's being pretty clear with his analogies. Are you struggling because you're used to word salad at the 1st grade reading level?

Urallfucked -4 points ago +1 / -5

Splitting the left is the only thing that lets the right fester

Urallfucked -4 points ago +1 / -5

Got a source on that, misinformation king? Thats propaganda they want you to believe so you don't feel bad about the genocide that took place when they took kids from their parents as recent as the 70s scoop

Urallfucked -2 points ago +1 / -3

It was misrepresented by bad faith actors who always intended to discredit them.

Urallfucked -4 points ago +1 / -5

The original statement just said unmarked burials, and no where except when it was misrepresented did they claim there were mass graves.

Residential school denialism, like climate change denialism or science denialism, cherry-picks evidence to fit a conspiratorial counter-narrative. This distorts basic facts and the overall legacy of the Indian Residential School System (IRSS) to alleviate settler guilt and block important truth and reconciliation efforts.

Urallfucked -2 points ago +1 / -3

Is there any grifter you won't fall for?

"The statement of charges alleges that Dr. Cole made numerous false and misleading statements related to COVID-19 and treated patients with COVID-19 or seeking to prevent getting COVID-19 in a manner that was beneath the standard of care."

Urallfucked -3 points ago +1 / -4

Haha no reply because you're a coward.

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

You're the one who is authoritarian biased, pussy. You're literally cheering for government to have more rights than people.

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

"However, teacher preparation, training, and certification programs will not be allowed to teach “identity politics” or to make claims that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, or white privilege are inherent in America’s culture."

They're trying to rewrite history books in real time. Of course systematic racism oppression sexism and white privilege are inherent in murica's culture - look at the two tiered justice system they have going on there, people who are rich get to walk when homelessness is criminalized in a system where the vast majority of people are 2 missed paycheques away from being unsheltered. Not to mention that they literally only police in the neo-segregated neighborhoods and sentence coloured people with twice the time at least. It's corruption all the way down - slavery is still legal as punishment for a crime - and to be found guilty of a crime all is needed is a forced confession, a racist jury, crooked cops and judges who need to fill private prisons by any means necessary. It all exists, and is flourishing under the fascist Christian theocracy Frank Zappa warned us about in the 70s

Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7

At least he's not wasting his time golfing because he "didn't know his schedule was public" And at least he's not rejecting millions from the federal government to help with the housing crisis because it would make trudeau look good like cocaine doug did not too long ago

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

This is funny to say after tuchodi https://omegacanada.win/p/17t1fVIp1d/x/c/4ZBIeDyotmi here spits facts and stats in response to the ad hominem typical garbage response y'all spout, and y'alls response was to ignore it because it hurts your position.


Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

It guarantees he's complicit with the price gouging the grocery monopolies force on us, and will actively make it worse with policy if given the chance.

Urallfucked -10 points ago +1 / -11

surprising considering he lost the popular vote twice - is this another one of your fanfictions?

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

Still waiting for your fanfiction where you, an unassuming but malleable twink take on the burden of changing your demented mancrush every time he shits himself

Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7

You're already so good at fanfiction. When will you release your shitzinpants erotic fanfiction for submissive conservative trumptards?

Urallfucked -4 points ago +1 / -5

My cousin in law convinced his family to not get jabbed and wound up in the hospital with heart swelling from getting wreaked from covid.

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