The nation with the largest COVID death per capita rate worldwide is Belgium at 0.1095% of the country dead with COVID. And Belgium is notorious for having had strict lockdowns. New Jersey has the highest COVID death per capita rate in the United States at 0.1863%. And they had the strictest lockdowns in the country.
Where is the evidence that if you do herd immunity, it's a let the bodies hit the floor situation? In Sweden, only 0.0595% died with COVID.
It appears that metabolic health offers better protection for the vulnerable than lockdowns. America has a ton of fat fucks with diabetes and that probably has a lot to do with them having a higher COVID death rate than Sweden despite having lockdowns. Diabetes is linked to Vitamin D deficiency. So is being locked down in your home like a cuck and not getting any direct sunlight on your skin. If you get it through a window, your body can't produce vitamin D.
Dark skin with melanin is less likely to produce Vitamin D from sunlight. Which is partly why so many BBC in New York and New Jersey died. New York and New Jersey have plenty of black people. I saw a 39 year old fat black man in New York die from COVID while his white wife was either asymptomatic or had a mild flu/cold. So unless he was getting cucked, I'm pretty sure his wife has more natural protection from the virus due to her white skin. Corona-chan is racist. Corona-chan has sex with blacks people and then kills them. Like a preying mantis. But she calls a truce for black lives matter protests apparently.
I would be interested to know if dark skinned people in Belgium (Belgium has African, Afro-Caribbean, Indonesian, Muslim migrants due to their colonial past) have a higher rate of COVID death than whites. I heard that in Sweden, the blacks people were dying at a higher rate with COVID.
Being obese is not healthy. The "healthy at any weight" landwhales need to get this through their skulls. I had an obese aunt who died of a heart attack at like 53-54. If CV isn't going to get you, something else will kill you later if you are unhealthy.
The nation with the largest COVID death per capita rate worldwide is Belgium at 0.1095% of the country dead with COVID. And Belgium is notorious for having had strict lockdowns. New Jersey has the highest COVID death per capita rate in the United States at 0.1863%. And they had the strictest lockdowns in the country.
Where is the evidence that if you do herd immunity, it's a let the bodies hit the floor situation? In Sweden, only 0.0595% died with COVID.
It appears that metabolic health offers better protection for the vulnerable than lockdowns. America has a ton of fat fucks with diabetes and that probably has a lot to do with them having a higher COVID death rate than Sweden despite having lockdowns. Diabetes is linked to Vitamin D deficiency. So is being locked down in your home like a cuck and not getting any direct sunlight on your skin. If you get it through a window, your body can't produce vitamin D.
Dark skin with melanin is less likely to produce Vitamin D from sunlight. Which is partly why so many BBC in New York and New Jersey died. New York and New Jersey have plenty of black people. I saw a 39 year old fat black man in New York die from COVID while his white wife was either asymptomatic or had a mild flu/cold. So unless he was getting cucked, I'm pretty sure his wife has more natural protection from the virus due to her white skin. Corona-chan is racist. Corona-chan has sex with blacks people and then kills them. Like a preying mantis. But she calls a truce for black lives matter protests apparently.
I would be interested to know if dark skinned people in Belgium (Belgium has African, Afro-Caribbean, Indonesian, Muslim migrants due to their colonial past) have a higher rate of COVID death than whites. I heard that in Sweden, the blacks people were dying at a higher rate with COVID.
Being obese is not healthy. The "healthy at any weight" landwhales need to get this through their skulls. I had an obese aunt who died of a heart attack at like 53-54. If CV isn't going to get you, something else will kill you later if you are unhealthy.