If you want to get accurate employment numbers, the payroll companies can give you that, ADP in particular has a historical report from month to month.
Note the non-farm payroll numbers from 2020M03 (16868963) to 2020M11 (7590529).
There were 16.9 million people employed (under ADP payroll) in this country back in march, vs only 7.59 million people today which is about a 55% drop.
tldr: shits fucked
I’m lucky enough to be private sector, and be involved with oil field reclamation. But the only we work we are getting is tied to Justin’s billion dollars to get industry to clean up. No one is spending money if it isn’t free from the government, and a lot of people are not being super efficient in using these dollars.
what did you expect? they've got their future covered, why would they give a fuck about yours? to them all is fine and nothing to worry about because they've got job security, they can't see it from your perspective because they've never been there