posted ago by rpk90 ago by rpk90 +18 / -0

hey please give me advice - this is the only place I know of that seems to have a few intelligent people.

brief background: 30 years old male live in Vancouver rent work for the government - can leave to go anywhere.

So anyways I live in Vancouver and I'm considering of bailing on this dystopian shithole.

I pay 1800 a month to rent a crummy one bedroom apartment. The building I live in is full of "refugees" and Immigrant families with 5 people crammed into a tiny apartments.

All of the common areas smell of a combination of garbage and weird cooking, the elevators all wreak of body odor, I've attempted to introduce myself to my neighbors and they look at me like I'm retarded or something.

I have not been able to find a family doctor after living here for two years. One time I pulled a muscle and I went to the ER and it was PACKED with very elderly people who had to bring what I presume to be their grand children to translate for them. Decided to go home rather than wait 7 hours to be given some Tylenol.

Every girl I meet is some brat who lives at home with their parents (at age 30) and the first thing out of their mouths is usually something to the effect of, "how long until you buy a house and we can have kids."....last year I made probably 3.5 times the median income and I can barley afford my rent and put a little money into savings, it's impossible to get ahead here. Needles to say dating here as been pretty awful. I hate to sound like I'm whining but I think I'm decent looking, keep myself in good shape and try to be someone that I would want to date but it has been rough.

The traffic is awful here. No infrastructure has been added in years. The only highway here is two lanes and one accident and I'm stuck sitting in my car for 2 hours after work to get home. Not to mention apparently the LPC says carbon tax needs to go up 300% because I need to be punished for driving to work to pay income taxes.

So for the past 3 months or so I've been asking myself why I live here. This place offers me nothing, just work and pay rent and sit at home because everything is locked down.

Should I just move to a small town in the prairies or the east coast and just check out of this Orwellian hellhole? am I crazy or something? I could just rent a house way outside of a city and just take care of myself, maybe learn how to hunt, fish, be self reliant.

and just so you know I'm not some lazy government worker who sits in an air conditioned office all day scrolling Facebook spending 3 hours deciding what to get for lunch. Last week I had to wrestle handcuffs on to some guy who slashed his throat and tried to take me with him. What do you guys think am I crazy wanting to get out of here - I swear I used to love this place the older I get the more I hate it.