good thing nukes were/are just another made up fear porn tactic like covid. duck and cover everyone. but 6ft apart and a piece of cloth over your mouth this time for extra safety.
Would Trump take the biblical Samson way out? He is going to be stuck defending himself in court for the rest of his life or on the run - if he isn't already.
It's just more fear mongering "the right will kill you all and start ww3 while raping interracial women" type bullshit, equivalent to putting words in mouths.
You knew that though. I'm just ranting cause I'm pissed today.
I'm worried they're going to go all the way and start putting people in death camps like in Societ Russia, Nazi Germany, and current day China. Especially with Biden doing China's bidding.
good thing nukes were/are just another made up fear porn tactic like covid. duck and cover everyone. but 6ft apart and a piece of cloth over your mouth this time for extra safety.
Would Trump take the biblical Samson way out? He is going to be stuck defending himself in court for the rest of his life or on the run - if he isn't already.
It's just more fear mongering "the right will kill you all and start ww3 while raping interracial women" type bullshit, equivalent to putting words in mouths.
You knew that though. I'm just ranting cause I'm pissed today.
I'm worried they're going to go all the way and start putting people in death camps like in Societ Russia, Nazi Germany, and current day China. Especially with Biden doing China's bidding.