posted ago by ratticus ago by ratticus +32 / -44

But no, seriously, I joined MetaCanada because it was a hilarious place to shitpost and generally make fun or r/Canada. Over time the sub grew and a lot of refugees from some rather nasty corners of Reddit began to post in what was a very tolerant sub. Now we're here, mostly because of that, and frankly the number of nutbar conspiratards infesting omegacanada is much too high, as are the number of actually racist posts and judenhaas. I'm a right of centre mostly libertarian dude with a family that included Chinese children. I simply don't want to be associated with this shit, no matter how much fun it was posting ALF memes. At this point I think you'll all have to live without me, as sad as I'm sure it will make all of you.

As a parting gift and challenge, I wonder if there are enough 'tards here to take my "karma" count from 955 to 0. Good luck boys, 'cause most of you are going to need it when Biden actually is inaugurated and your Q anon conspiracies are shattered.