My dad in response to this news (I even informed him of the 40% weekly case drop in Peel): >Muh variant
Even though cases are down in the UK and South Africa where the variants come from. lmao.
CNN's fearporn is so effective against my facts, reason, evidence and logic. It's demoralizing. Whenever I present new evidence, they shift the goal posts. Always. They'll never be satisfied until the risk is 0%.
My dad is a pussy with no life who is satisfied to just stay inside like a scared little bitch. He cancelled his optometrist appointment because muh variant. He hasn't seen his dentist since December 2019 even though he has a tooth ache because muh variant. But I am surprised how many other Canadians are like that 10.5 months into this pandemic.
My dad in response to this news (I even informed him of the 40% weekly case drop in Peel): >Muh variant
Even though cases are down in the UK and South Africa where the variants come from. lmao.
CNN's fearporn is so effective against my facts, reason, evidence and logic. It's demoralizing. Whenever I present new evidence, they shift the goal posts. Always. They'll never be satisfied until the risk is 0%.
My dad is a pussy with no life who is satisfied to just stay inside like a scared little bitch. He cancelled his optometrist appointment because muh variant. He hasn't seen his dentist since December 2019 even though he has a tooth ache because muh variant. But I am surprised how many other Canadians are like that 10.5 months into this pandemic.
Yeah, well, when the stock market crashes and he has no more retirement funds, things are going to flip real quick for him.