“ In a special video, "Stakeholder Capitalism: Building the Future," WEF Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab stressed the moment of opportunity for a global Mindset Change, one where a new society based on Stakeholder Values can be established. As part of this all governments and all corporations will operate based on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. The planet will be saved from human destruction, societies will be made more democratic and free from racism and misogyny, and old outmoded values will be swept away.”
“ In a special video, "Stakeholder Capitalism: Building the Future," WEF Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab stressed the moment of opportunity for a global Mindset Change, one where a new society based on Stakeholder Values can be established. As part of this all governments and all corporations will operate based on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. The planet will be saved from human destruction, societies will be made more democratic and free from racism and misogyny, and old outmoded values will be swept away.”
I want off this ride now.