Except when majority of people around you will be persuaded, pressed and forced into accepting the reset, they will turn against you as well.
For people like you, who want to stay free and be left alone, they will make “reeducation” camps. You will be forced to give up on small insignificant freedoms first, and then you will be broken in compliance like anyone else. For persistent ones there will be publicly approved executions and punishments.
Communism is coming. And people around are worried about non existent racism, non existent global warming and non existent pandemic. It’s truly scary.
If home affordability continues to be a challenge, and more Canadians take part in a gig economy with large pay fluctuations, then home ownership will become more unattainable. If Canadians can access housing more easily through sharing economy platforms or cohousing arrangements, home ownership may decline as a cultural value and asset.>
Fewer and fewer are being hired as full time, anywhere, and are forced to gig or contract work. No benefits, extra taxes, no vacations. Maybe Incentivize Businesses (especially midsize and large) to pay good! salaries, appreciate and REQUIRE actual work experience, and not discard employees when the “new” flavour-of-the-untrained-month-walks-by. They are ALL for the Profit Margin. Stop encouraging the Everything-for-the Profit Margin!
ENCOURAGE Canadian businesses! Don’t force out the small and medium businesses for Foreign-owned conglomerates.
Maybe instead of all this bullshit, they can place massive restrictions on those buying and flipping homes for profit, thereby pushing out those that just want to live in and take pride in them and their community!
Maybe they can curtail Foreign Investing and Interference of the Real Estate market by stopping, COMPLETELY, foreign buying of Property and land.
(i.e. Removing Capital Taxes on buyers from places like China while admitting Chinese (ONLY) International Students this year, with the CCP funding massive housing buys for the “Students”. This, in turn, allows huge increases in pricing, knocking no-longer-middle class from ever owning. What does one expect from a shit Woke school like U of T, though.). Why not impose a 1000% tax INCREASE for those “buying”, instead? Encourage and give incentives to CANADIANS, and Canadians ONLY.
It has been unattainable for a long time. Appreciating Employees and those who work damn hard for a living would help A LOT. Support the Small and Medium business, not close them. Stop making it easier, and making people richer who don’t work, refuse to work, or make money screwing other people over. GET RID OF ANY FUCKING LOSER GOVERNMENT WHO DOESN’T WORK FOR CANADIANS! Take away Refugee 10-year support. Leave the WHO. Refuse the UN. Forbid Refugees and Immigrants by-passing and/or jumping the queue of the Immigration system the right to vote for 8 or more years, until those who gave them a free ride is out of Office. Force those coming here to become Canadian, damn it! Why not? If they don’t want to become Canadian, then don’t fucking come here. Stay where you are. Now don’t cry “Racism” or “Discrimination” at me, for I don’t care who anyone is, what God they follow or what colour their skin is, as that doesn’t mean shit. If you are coming here, and you take the proper channels and don’t whinge, then welcome, but you sure-as-rain better become and think of yourself as a Canadian FIRST!
For those born here and who STILL bitch, complain, whinge and fuck everyone over, then if your parents or grandparents came from elsewhere, then GO WHERE THEY CAME FROM! Maybe then you’ll appreciate what you have; rue what you are trying to destroy and grow up! Maybe you’ll die there and do us all a favour!
Forbid the making of profit while holding Office, consulting for, or “Advising” Politicians. Curtail the media.
Sorry. ANGRY!!!!!!! at this crap. Have been for the 40 years I have been in the full time work force, being born and bred Canadian. Owning a house, much less my dream of a farm is a dream I have had to give up. I have more education, real life work experience, smarts, ethics and diversity than most small towns, but have never been able to get ahead. FUCK this NWO bullshit. Baby-fucking-Trudeau, may you rot in the gutter and beg for a crust of rotting bread that you will only receive once someone poor and hardworking has shit all over it, with REAL, but “vaccinated” shit.
Sorry, STILL angry!!!!, as is evident by my jumping around here in my diatribe. Too tired to edit more. If you don’t like it, tough shit.
Don't quote me on this but I remember hearing somewhere that Chinese citizens are exempt from capital gains tax (or maybe that was just on housing, not sure).
If that's true, and it doesn't open people's eyes to what's going on in Canada I don't know what will.
Canada Beyond 150’s Capital and Debt research team explored the future of ownership. The team looked at how accessing services, rather than conventional ownership, could benefit all Canadians. Its proposed policy recommendations include measures that could drive the development of new types of assets, and potentially lead Canadians to participate in the access economy.
Many Canadians are now deeply in debt. In 2017, the average Canadian household had a debt-to-income ratio of 167.8%, with 7.9% of them at 350% or greater1. This higher debt seems to be connected to the decline in labour’s share of national productivity. Wages have not gone up as quickly as the cost of housing, food, education and care. At the expense of their savings, Canadians service mortgage debt, car loans, credit cards, and lines of credits as sources of debt. Nearly 50% of Canadian households live paycheck to paycheck, and are more likely to fall into arrears from unexpected costs or sudden income disruption.
Governments, agencies, and non-government organizations offer support and programs to help Canadians manage debt and plan for their financial well-being. These include information provided by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada on financial literacy to the Canada Pension Plan, and Learning Bond to support retirement and post-secondary education.
These supports offer help for Canadians to overcome challenges and achieve prosperity. Yet Canadians form fewer assets, and have higher debt levels since the post-2008 financial crisis. Future businesses and households, retraining and reproduction are all needed for economic growth, but respond negatively to high debt levels.
Access to services could displace ownership: Individuals are using digital technologies to access “solutions” rather than owning assets. In countries such as India, some forms of ownership (like cars) may be leap-frogged entirely. In China, the transaction volume of the access economy topped $500 billion USD in 2016, a 103% increase over 2015. Unlike the traditional economy, the access economy uses new technologies that let individuals rent out goods or services that they own, such as clothing, cars, rooms in houses, parking spots, tools, etc. This has made it easy to rent a product for a short period of time, and increased the goods and services we can access on demand.
If widely adopted, the access economy could free Canadians from having to buy goods, especially those that need financing. Consequently, Canadians could have more liquid capital, less debt, and potentially access to higher quality products. This could be useful in helping Canadian households lower their debt and avoid extreme debt. With fewer assets, Canadians could lack the collateral to access affordable credit. Depending on how far this new access model displaces ownership, an individual may no longer own their lifestyle–instead they might effectively rent it. This new model could either speed up the concentration of power and wealth, or break it up. The result depends on the makeup of peer-to-peer (e.g. Airbnb) and big companies (e.g. Zip Car) in the access economy.
More Canadians may be financially strained and may turn to shared goods and services to cut costs (choosing access to a vehicle rather than owning one could save the average Canadian family almost $3,000 a year).
More peer-to-peer exchange will likely make accessing goods cheap and fast. Goods that people previously had to buy to enjoy could become more accessible and non-rivalrous (e.g. goods and services that can be used by multiple parties simultaneously).
Better worker mobility could favour rented goods and services that cut down on resource expenditure. Month-to-month or pay-by-use services are easier to cancel than assets bought through conventional ownership models.
Except when majority of people around you will be persuaded, pressed and forced into accepting the reset, they will turn against you as well. For people like you, who want to stay free and be left alone, they will make “reeducation” camps. You will be forced to give up on small insignificant freedoms first, and then you will be broken in compliance like anyone else. For persistent ones there will be publicly approved executions and punishments. Communism is coming. And people around are worried about non existent racism, non existent global warming and non existent pandemic. It’s truly scary.
Fewer and fewer are being hired as full time, anywhere, and are forced to gig or contract work. No benefits, extra taxes, no vacations. Maybe Incentivize Businesses (especially midsize and large) to pay good! salaries, appreciate and REQUIRE actual work experience, and not discard employees when the “new” flavour-of-the-untrained-month-walks-by. They are ALL for the Profit Margin. Stop encouraging the Everything-for-the Profit Margin!
ENCOURAGE Canadian businesses! Don’t force out the small and medium businesses for Foreign-owned conglomerates.
Maybe instead of all this bullshit, they can place massive restrictions on those buying and flipping homes for profit, thereby pushing out those that just want to live in and take pride in them and their community!
Maybe they can curtail Foreign Investing and Interference of the Real Estate market by stopping, COMPLETELY, foreign buying of Property and land.
(i.e. Removing Capital Taxes on buyers from places like China while admitting Chinese (ONLY) International Students this year, with the CCP funding massive housing buys for the “Students”. This, in turn, allows huge increases in pricing, knocking no-longer-middle class from ever owning. What does one expect from a shit Woke school like U of T, though.). Why not impose a 1000% tax INCREASE for those “buying”, instead? Encourage and give incentives to CANADIANS, and Canadians ONLY.
It has been unattainable for a long time. Appreciating Employees and those who work damn hard for a living would help A LOT. Support the Small and Medium business, not close them. Stop making it easier, and making people richer who don’t work, refuse to work, or make money screwing other people over. GET RID OF ANY FUCKING LOSER GOVERNMENT WHO DOESN’T WORK FOR CANADIANS! Take away Refugee 10-year support. Leave the WHO. Refuse the UN. Forbid Refugees and Immigrants by-passing and/or jumping the queue of the Immigration system the right to vote for 8 or more years, until those who gave them a free ride is out of Office. Force those coming here to become Canadian, damn it! Why not? If they don’t want to become Canadian, then don’t fucking come here. Stay where you are. Now don’t cry “Racism” or “Discrimination” at me, for I don’t care who anyone is, what God they follow or what colour their skin is, as that doesn’t mean shit. If you are coming here, and you take the proper channels and don’t whinge, then welcome, but you sure-as-rain better become and think of yourself as a Canadian FIRST!
For those born here and who STILL bitch, complain, whinge and fuck everyone over, then if your parents or grandparents came from elsewhere, then GO WHERE THEY CAME FROM! Maybe then you’ll appreciate what you have; rue what you are trying to destroy and grow up! Maybe you’ll die there and do us all a favour!
Forbid the making of profit while holding Office, consulting for, or “Advising” Politicians. Curtail the media.
Sorry. ANGRY!!!!!!! at this crap. Have been for the 40 years I have been in the full time work force, being born and bred Canadian. Owning a house, much less my dream of a farm is a dream I have had to give up. I have more education, real life work experience, smarts, ethics and diversity than most small towns, but have never been able to get ahead. FUCK this NWO bullshit. Baby-fucking-Trudeau, may you rot in the gutter and beg for a crust of rotting bread that you will only receive once someone poor and hardworking has shit all over it, with REAL, but “vaccinated” shit.
Sorry, STILL angry!!!!, as is evident by my jumping around here in my diatribe. Too tired to edit more. If you don’t like it, tough shit.
Don't quote me on this but I remember hearing somewhere that Chinese citizens are exempt from capital gains tax (or maybe that was just on housing, not sure).
If that's true, and it doesn't open people's eyes to what's going on in Canada I don't know what will.
Canada Beyond 150’s Capital and Debt research team explored the future of ownership. The team looked at how accessing services, rather than conventional ownership, could benefit all Canadians. Its proposed policy recommendations include measures that could drive the development of new types of assets, and potentially lead Canadians to participate in the access economy.
Many Canadians are now deeply in debt. In 2017, the average Canadian household had a debt-to-income ratio of 167.8%, with 7.9% of them at 350% or greater1. This higher debt seems to be connected to the decline in labour’s share of national productivity. Wages have not gone up as quickly as the cost of housing, food, education and care. At the expense of their savings, Canadians service mortgage debt, car loans, credit cards, and lines of credits as sources of debt. Nearly 50% of Canadian households live paycheck to paycheck, and are more likely to fall into arrears from unexpected costs or sudden income disruption.
Governments, agencies, and non-government organizations offer support and programs to help Canadians manage debt and plan for their financial well-being. These include information provided by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada on financial literacy to the Canada Pension Plan, and Learning Bond to support retirement and post-secondary education.
These supports offer help for Canadians to overcome challenges and achieve prosperity. Yet Canadians form fewer assets, and have higher debt levels since the post-2008 financial crisis. Future businesses and households, retraining and reproduction are all needed for economic growth, but respond negatively to high debt levels.
Access to services could displace ownership: Individuals are using digital technologies to access “solutions” rather than owning assets. In countries such as India, some forms of ownership (like cars) may be leap-frogged entirely. In China, the transaction volume of the access economy topped $500 billion USD in 2016, a 103% increase over 2015. Unlike the traditional economy, the access economy uses new technologies that let individuals rent out goods or services that they own, such as clothing, cars, rooms in houses, parking spots, tools, etc. This has made it easy to rent a product for a short period of time, and increased the goods and services we can access on demand.
If widely adopted, the access economy could free Canadians from having to buy goods, especially those that need financing. Consequently, Canadians could have more liquid capital, less debt, and potentially access to higher quality products. This could be useful in helping Canadian households lower their debt and avoid extreme debt. With fewer assets, Canadians could lack the collateral to access affordable credit. Depending on how far this new access model displaces ownership, an individual may no longer own their lifestyle–instead they might effectively rent it. This new model could either speed up the concentration of power and wealth, or break it up. The result depends on the makeup of peer-to-peer (e.g. Airbnb) and big companies (e.g. Zip Car) in the access economy.
More Canadians may be financially strained and may turn to shared goods and services to cut costs (choosing access to a vehicle rather than owning one could save the average Canadian family almost $3,000 a year).
More peer-to-peer exchange will likely make accessing goods cheap and fast. Goods that people previously had to buy to enjoy could become more accessible and non-rivalrous (e.g. goods and services that can be used by multiple parties simultaneously).
Better worker mobility could favour rented goods and services that cut down on resource expenditure. Month-to-month or pay-by-use services are easier to cancel than assets bought through conventional ownership models.