The Canada we remembered and thought we lived in is over and it is never coming back.
No amount of talking to people at bars, starting your own political parties, forming secret militias to plan out rebellions you never act on will change anything.
What we're seeing happening is the natural conclusion of what happens when organized government has much more power than average citizens. I don't mean power as determined by law but I mean hard power as determined by men and technologies of war.
We actually began to see this shift during the industrial revolution as weapons of war become far more advanced and outside the reach of average people to acquire; however, it wasn't a large disparity until really the second industrial revolution and it has been ever increasing since then, not just in weapons but in communication (satellites), etc... with this new age giving the power of instant control and ideology shifting through the mechanisms of information dissemination (internet, social media, mainstream news etc...).
What we have no is an extreme imbalance in power between average citizens and governments. This always leads to one conclusion which is the continued path toward absolute control in everything.
You are here because you have Traditional Western Values from the 1800s era that have been passed down generation to generation. You believe in individualism, in liberalism (the classical kind) and have an inherent believe that less government is good. You are a dying breed and you will cease to exist soon enough. The government now has control over the culture and you can see it in each new generation who aligns more and more with the government's perspective.
The biggest problem you have is that you understand that the government is not using its power to benefit the people but rather is using its power to benefit itself. The people who accept what the government is doing do not understand how the government does not truly have their interest at heart. In this manner, these people who obey the government are your enemies but they ought not to be if only they understand the situation. They don't however, so you are forced to treat them as enemies and who wants to live in a country full of your enemies?
You are probably wondering, what can you do? There are only truly 3 solutions. You're probably not going to like any of them but they are the only real solutions.
Develop new military technology that is cheap, easy to construct, easy to use without training and can be made widely available that reduces the disparity between government and average people's power.
Develop some new technology or social structure that changes the way in which wealth is created by improving production so significantly that it changes the very makeup of society altogether. Examples of this in history would be the industrial revolution or using animals instead of human slaves.
Ride the Tiger of Modernity. Basically, accept that this is the way things are and you can't change them so don't even try. Just stick to what you believe is right and adapt to society so you can get along and be happy without constantly struggling to combat this situation. The metaphor is that the only place you're safe from a tiger is on its back. You can't control which way the tiger goes but because you've opted not to fight it but to ride it, you will come out unharmed even if you have no control over the direction it takes you.
There is technically a 4th option of get conquered by another civilization but that's maybe not optimal.
Everytime an entity that is not stemming from government funding acquire power, you can be goddamned sure it will be shut down before you can bring any power to it. All the web is crawled and passes through rigorous language recognition AI software that figures out if you are building a "terrorist" organization. You will get destroyed and the media will never hear about it.
Well this is what cryptocurriencies try to achieve. China is banning it because they're aware that it could lead to what you're suggesting here (removing power from the central authority). It is currently in the process of becoming a reality, however rest assured the government is stepping in as soon as (insert random victim) starts to be in need.
I believe you can tame a tiger bits by bits, and by being a strong man and building my life around truth I contribute to it as much as I can. Not every men can change the world, so just let the likes of Maxime Bernier or Jordan Peterson take the lead in bringing a world of ojective reality back, and try to impact people around you by making them understand they are misguided.
You don't have to start a revolution.
It's not about acquiring power through organization like a "terrorist" org but rather it's about acquiring power that is undeniable for governments. An example would be say someone figured out how to 3D print a nuclear bomb. It costs people like $3000 to do it all in and you can buy the supplies at your local grocery store. No matter what they government did, they wouldn't be able to deny this power.
I think cryptocurrencies are overvalued and hyped up too much for what they are. My education is finance and my profession is banking. I absolutely hate banks. If I thought crypto could destroy the establishment, I would be all in but I don't see how it can truly have a significant change.
I don't believe you'll ever win on mere discussions alone. The control of the government is too great. You may redpill the occasional person but for every 1 you redpill, the system bluepills a new generation. And if you redpill enough people, what then? Eventually, there's a conflict and if you don't have the weapons technology you need, you likely lose that conflict. All the people with funding will be funding your enemies, not you.
I got into crypto early this year because I wanted to learn how to trade while paying the lowest commision fees possible, I never thought crypto would amount to anything aside from a stepping stone to become a stock daytrader.
That said, once I started to go down the rabbit hole of researching defi, smart contracts and and the potential of blockchain technologies, the more I've come to realize that crypto is more dangerous to the current power dynamic than 3000 dollar nukes could hope to be.
This technology has the potential to render corporations, governments, and most importantly, bankers, completly obsolete. And I don't think they have any time left to stop what's happening.