posted ago by Propaganda ago by Propaganda +2 / -1

In case you're new here (like me) OmegaCanada used to be MetaCanada on reddit.

Before I switched off that hellhole of censorship for this website I never really frequented MetaCanada because I had largely central-left leaning ideologies. However, for the past number of years I have watched the left turn into everything I hated about politics.

The abhorrent censorship happening throughout all areas of the media and internet, the lambasting anything that the left doesn't agree with as being radically far-right, or even worse, nazis.

Yet you get no mention of how this country (hell even America) is more fascist and divided now than they have ever been during a conservative majority or minority.

I only started visiting MetaCanada near the last days on reddit but I missed why the transition was made and why the decision was made to shut down the sub completely and move over here?

There are now two pretty main Canada subreddits, r/Canada and r/Onguardforthee, both which are cesspools for liberal censorship and stepping out of line and committing wrong think will get you outright banned from them (as I have). As well, most if not all, provincial subreddits ban and block any and all discourse that might be even slightly perceived as going against the narrative.

So I ask again, why was the decision made to shut down the sub on reddit completely and move over here?