So, lots of polling is showing Charest is the front runner in QC and ON. This is disturbing to say the least. Many people saying he has a better chance than PP of winning against Trudeau.
Should the leftward slide continue in the CPC, with a better chance of defeating Trudy? Or stick with PP and pray for the best?
How bad do you want to win?
It's Big PP over Charest or I'm voting People's Party.
Pollievre can do it. Don't fall for the op eds in the Toronto Star and the Globe and (god forbid) r/canada redditors that eek that familiar lament
"If only there were a fiscally responsible conservative that wasn't a SOCIALLY CONSERVATIVE HARD RIGHT LUNATIC then I would vote for conservative, but until that day, I'll stick with the NDP"
Bullshit. Also Pollievre isn't hard right.
It seems to me that Liberals do not want Pierre to be CPC leader. He's good. They're afraid of him.
Lots of Liberal gaslighting going on to try to convince people to vote for Charest as party leader. Charest has no chance to win against Liberals, hence why liberals want him to win.
honestly I think I'm with you guys. If Charest gets in the CPC is dead to me.