I think he'll reach a compromise, but too many concessions have already been made. This whole fiasco has been an abrogation of the rule of law. He's not allowed to ban guns with an order in council if the gun has hunting or sporting uses. Right in the actual order it say that aboriginals can keep them for sporting and hunting. I'll be happy if he stops the military from interfering in the political process with psy-ops and stops media funding by government. We can deal with other issues once the lying and manipulation is dealt with.
I think he'll reach a compromise, but too many concessions have already been made. This whole fiasco has been an abrogation of the rule of law. He's not allowed to ban guns with an order in council if the gun has hunting or sporting uses. Right in the actual order it say that aboriginals can keep them for sporting and hunting. I'll be happy if he stops the military from interfering in the political process with psy-ops and stops media funding by government. We can deal with other issues once the lying and manipulation is dealt with.