Are you truly this obtuse? Just for starters, Trudy let thousands in from China and Iran while berating us all for being racists. NOW? We're unfeeling psychopaths if we don't undertake the measures ostensibly to ameliorate the damage by Trudy's original message, 'let people in you racists?'
Submits to authoritarian without question "HOw arE sO maNY cAnAdiaNs ThIs weAk??"
And what would you do? Get on your knees and suck cock?
Nevermind. Obviously.
Are you truly this obtuse? Just for starters, Trudy let thousands in from China and Iran while berating us all for being racists. NOW? We're unfeeling psychopaths if we don't undertake the measures ostensibly to ameliorate the damage by Trudy's original message, 'let people in you racists?'
The opposite is acute, btw.