Fun fact: In North America, American Indians bought and used more African slaves per capita than any other group of people in America -- including those fucking EVIL white devils!
Additional fun fact: Something like upwards of 90% of ALL African slaves that were 'traded' during the slave trade time were sent to SOUTH AMERICA -- chiefly Brazil -- not to the US or Europe.
Settle down, sweetheart.
And I'm laughing at how butt holocausted you are, and there's actually clear evidence that it happened right above my reply.
You wouldn't be behind a wooden door, would you?
Considering the fact that Native women genocide boners across Canada every day, I can see why you're crying.
Your face is a mental health problem.
Don't worry, you're number 88.
Whoa, you mean the natives were actual human beings doing human being stuff and not retarded simpletons like the left portrays them? Crazy
Fun fact: In North America, American Indians bought and used more African slaves per capita than any other group of people in America -- including those fucking EVIL white devils!
Additional fun fact: Something like upwards of 90% of ALL African slaves that were 'traded' during the slave trade time were sent to SOUTH AMERICA -- chiefly Brazil -- not to the US or Europe.
Fantastic video