empty emotional appeals and hollow shaming tactics lacking any substance of note whatsoever
I mean this chinkoid bug person or Pajeet inbred Paki / Toxic soup saturated Pajeet, it doesn't matter if they're black, white, yellow, red: this faggot is still a stereotypical Afro-Murkin NIGGA FEEEMALE !
Basically a nigger of unknown racial background/origin.
lol they cover in fear of a dude with infreior firepower and completely blow their biggest advantage: swift and unrelenting violence of action.
OH NO NOT MORE EYEBALLS ON THE PAGE! Surely a glowie never says shit like this ever ever pinky swear!
I mean this chinkoid bug person or Pajeet inbred Paki / Toxic soup saturated Pajeet, it doesn't matter if they're black, white, yellow, red: this faggot is still a stereotypical Afro-Murkin NIGGA FEEEMALE !
Basically a nigger of unknown racial background/origin.
lol they cover in fear of a dude with infreior firepower and completely blow their biggest advantage: swift and unrelenting violence of action.
OH NO NOT MORE EYEBALLS ON THE PAGE! Surely a glowie never says shit like this ever ever pinky swear!
Go file your Mums t oenails and pluck her cunthairs, Raji ! Useless fuck.