This riding used to be solidly blue but then that started to change over time. Maybe the growing number of new Canadians has something to do with that. Aurora was only 73% white in 2016 and shrinking. However 2011 Stephen Harper, Doug Ford and Mike Harris have all had a history of winning in non-white heavy suburbs.
In their release, YRP said they do “not tolerate hate crime in any form. Those who victimize individuals based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or mental or physical disability will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”>
This is exactly what I was thinking!
There was however a local article featuring a lesbian couple circulating last week about them complaining about a street name -_-
You'd be surprised how many married men in the suburbs are looking for dick on the DL. When Craigslist used to have personals, the m4m section in Toronto included many listings in the suburbs. Including Tory-voting suburbs. Though to be fair, New Market-Aurora went for Trudeau twice.
Newmarket-Aurora actually went for Trudeau twice.
This riding used to be solidly blue but then that started to change over time. Maybe the growing number of new Canadians has something to do with that. Aurora was only 73% white in 2016 and shrinking. However 2011 Stephen Harper, Doug Ford and Mike Harris have all had a history of winning in non-white heavy suburbs.
The list gets longer and longer. Soon it will be 'their embrace of pedophilia'
"Fullest extent of the law"
Oh, so 8 hours of community service? Fuck sakes, sometimes we don't even put murderers in prison.
Who were the individuals? The crosswalk? Does it identify as such?
Peak 2020 irony: the only organization in the history of the world to demand that their flag be put on dirty roads refers to itself as "pride"
We need a red ensign crosswalk.
They've made an arrest for a guy that was trying to spray paint the walk. Still looking for the driver though.
YRP Facebook announced a couple hours ago that there's apparently a guy walking around the same area with a rifle. No update yet.
Exactly. If you don't want people defacing something, just don't paint it where cars drive?
Like fuck, pretty common sense.
Isn't that a femboy tranny on amphetamines?>
And yet here I am, having to read in the news weekly for the past decade about how I'm a terrible person for being straight, white, and male.
This is exactly what I was thinking! There was however a local article featuring a lesbian couple circulating last week about them complaining about a street name -_-
You'd be surprised how many married men in the suburbs are looking for dick on the DL. When Craigslist used to have personals, the m4m section in Toronto included many listings in the suburbs. Including Tory-voting suburbs. Though to be fair, New Market-Aurora went for Trudeau twice.
Yes, there are do not worry you are not alone!