So the other day there was a discussion about low participation/traffic around here at present. So a few measures have been taken so far to try and branch out.
First, you can see we've got a new logo. The old one was no good because it didn't have the URL in it (duh).
Secondly, as you may have noticed form the sidebar, we now have
I don't know how much the Instagram account will be used, since it turns out Instagram is literally the worst site in the history of the internet in terms of user friendliness (you can't upload from PC, can't upload from links, doesn't take PNG and has even worse scaling than twitter meaning it would be a LOT of work to transfer one meme to IG from .win)
The Twitter account will be used to tweet out OC memes from .win, and the YouTube channel will mirror any OC videos people make for the .win (there's two original Omegacanada vids there already), and probably occasional meme compilation videos like Watch MAGA does.
Now, these are the mechanisms we need to spread content and attract subscribers, now all we need is the content. Start shitposting. Make memes. The shittier the better. Anyone can use MS paint.
Edit: If you create a meme and it's appropriate for T_D too, post it there, but using your omegacanada link. So non-Canada specific memes, or funny Trudeau shitposts. Stuff like that.
I like it here. Where else can I get fair opinions on this brilliant Star headline?