For really, though... I don’t look at this video and feel like, wow, look how great this city is. This is a ghost town. No people out and about, very few cars. 1970 Toronto was dead and it was crap.
That's what most places in Canada look like today outside of major cities. Dead after 7pm, maybe 1-2 non-fast food restaurants open, everything closed Sundays except walmart.
Posters here talk about how they would never live in an expensive shitty city like Toronto, but I feel like they have never lived in any big city and experienced the convenience and variety that they offer.
Personally I like living in big cities. I hate our big cities though. Canada has few options - Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. Vancouver too expensive and overrun by corrupt rich Chinese, Montreal you need French or you are treated like a second class citizen, Toronto expensive and shitty transportation and rising crime rate.
For really, though... I don’t look at this video and feel like, wow, look how great this city is. This is a ghost town. No people out and about, very few cars. 1970 Toronto was dead and it was crap.
That's what most places in Canada look like today outside of major cities. Dead after 7pm, maybe 1-2 non-fast food restaurants open, everything closed Sundays except walmart.
Posters here talk about how they would never live in an expensive shitty city like Toronto, but I feel like they have never lived in any big city and experienced the convenience and variety that they offer.
Personally I like living in big cities. I hate our big cities though. Canada has few options - Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. Vancouver too expensive and overrun by corrupt rich Chinese, Montreal you need French or you are treated like a second class citizen, Toronto expensive and shitty transportation and rising crime rate.