We all knew that under the previous Conservative government there were massive cuts to science, there was marginalization of scientific voices, there was a putting-aside of experts in an attempt to cut the budget, cut the deficit at all costs, on the backs of Canadians,”
Oh fuck off!
5+ years later, and the Libs are still parroting their lies that "Harper muzzled scientists"
"In an attempt to cut the deficit at all costs on the backs of Canadians", in response to this we will attempt to increase the deficit at all costs...on the backs of Canadians.
Oh fuck off!
5+ years later, and the Libs are still parroting their lies that "Harper muzzled scientists"
"In an attempt to cut the deficit at all costs on the backs of Canadians", in response to this we will attempt to increase the deficit at all costs...on the backs of Canadians.
5 years deep and still getting outplayed by Harper? KEK
Harper must have some insane IQ to pull off 4D chess moves like this five years after leaving the parliament.