It works either way. Either the tourists learn just how awful the Chinese government is, or the government bans them from going to the Czech Republic and the locals can have some peace and quiet from the worlds worst tourists.
From what I heard, Czech and China have been going at each other's throats for a while because of Czech's close relationship with Taiwan. China has a pretty fragile ego when it comes to anything related to Taiwan's independence.
This must be one of Czech's way of saying "fuck you" to China
It works either way. Either the tourists learn just how awful the Chinese government is, or the government bans them from going to the Czech Republic and the locals can have some peace and quiet from the worlds worst tourists.
From what I heard, Czech and China have been going at each other's throats for a while because of Czech's close relationship with Taiwan. China has a pretty fragile ego when it comes to anything related to Taiwan's independence.
This must be one of Czech's way of saying "fuck you" to China
I wish America and Canada had that close a relationship with Taiwan.
Taiwan is the true China.
Amen brother.
This is a gold mine: