“This is very urgent business, ladies and gentlemen,” I beseech you, resist it while you still can. And before the right to complain will be taken away from you – which will be the next thing.
You’ll be told you can’t complain because you’re ‘phobe/ist/etc*.’ The term is already being introduced into the culture as if it was an accusation of race-hatred… The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open for them.”
- Christopher Hitchens
- Edited for relevance.
“This is very urgent business, ladies and gentlemen,” I beseech you, resist it while you still can. And before the right to complain will be taken away from you – which will be the next thing.
You’ll be told you can’t complain because you’re ‘phobe/ist/etc*.’ The term is already being introduced into the culture as if it was an accusation of race-hatred… The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open for them.”
- Christopher Hitchen
- Edited for relevance.