It's not only the Montreal Mafia. In the last election Lewis got a decent amount of votes in the Prairies. She got that through a post supporting supply management. She went even as far as attacking Trudeau for raising the quota for milk that can be imported from the US. She trashed US dairy, calling it poison filled with hormones.
It's not only the Montreal Mafia. In the last election Lewis got a decent amount of votes in the Prairies. She got that through a post supporting supply management. She went even as far as attacking Trudeau for raising the quota for milk that can be imported from the US. She trashed US dairy, calling it poison filled with hormones.
It's not only the Montreal Mafia. In the last election Lewis got a decent amount of votes in the Prairies. She got that through a post supporting supply management. She went even as far as attacking Trudeau for raising the quota for milk that can imported from the US. She trashed US dairy, calling it poison filled with hormones.
It's not only the Montreal Mafia. In the last election Lewis got a decent amount of votes in the Prairies. She got that through a post support supply management. She went even as far as attacking Trudeau for raising the quota for milk that can imported from the US. She trashed US dairy, calling it poison filled with hormones.