Currently, where our military stands they said the vaccine is optional for them. They aren’t pushing it on the military as mandatory (yet). Because I feel a lot of people in the military will not take it. This isn’t the small pox vaccine, this is not a normal vaccine.
I have recently come across a lot of fucking idiots who say “I just wanna take the vaccine so everything can be normal again” NOTHING WILL GO BACK TO NORMAL. Anyone who believes taking the vaccine will make things normal as I said are idiots. And there are people who are pushing mandatory vaccines because they again, think everything will magically go back to normal. And the government wants them to keep thinking like that.
Currently, where our military stands they said the vaccine is optional for them. They aren’t pushing it on the military as mandatory (yet). Because I feel a lot of people in the military will not take it. This isn’t the small pox vaccine, this is totally not a normal vaccine.
I have recently come across a lot of fucking idiots who say “I just wanna take the vaccine so everything can be normal again” NOTHING WILL GO BACK TO NORMAL. Anyone who believes taking the vaccine will make things normal as I said are idiots. And there are people who are pushing mandatory vaccines because they again, think everything will magically go back to normal. And the government wants them to keep thinking like that.
Currently, where our military stands they said the vaccine is optional for them. They aren’t pushing it on the military as mandatory (yet). Because I feel a lot of people in the military will not take it. This isn’t the small pox vaccine, this is totally not a normal vaccine.