The higher the denominator (cases) relative to the numerator (deaths) the lower the percentage (death rate). So I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing if there are a lot of WuFlu cases. Because then that would mean that the WuFlu is weaker. I would actually be more concerned if the PCR test was picking up common cold/flu instead. Because that would mean the true WuFlu denominator is lower and in turn the WuFlu death rate would be higher.
The higher the denominator (cases) relative to the numerator (deaths) the lower the percentage (death rate). So I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing if there are a lot of WuFlu cases. Because then that would mean that the WuFlu is weaker.
I would actually be more concerned if the PCR test was picking up common cold/flu instead. Because that would shrink the denominator and increase the WuFlu death rate.