He correctly points out that none of the party's administration has been done. There's been no party constitution, the financials haven't been published. It looks like the party is lapsing. Like Bernier has abandoned it for practical purposes, except as a conduit for collecting donations from which he pays himself over $100k a year as his "party leader" salary (that's on top of his large MP pension, which he'd have to surrender if he were elected to a seat and had to work for his money).
This is made even more sleazy looking by the fact that he held no leadership election after leading the party to a rock-bottom defeat in the last election which is customary for party leaders who preside over abysmal election performances. The fact that he hasn't done this shows that this whole PPC thing was just a personal vanity project (which was obvious from the beginning - he was buttmad that he lost the CPC leadership so he rage-quit and started own party so he could be king).
At a certain point, you have to tell yourself - if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
The other thing you have to take into consideration (which most of his base doesn't realize) is that in the Ottawa/parliament inner circle, Max has always had a reputation for being lazy and unreliable as an MP and a minister, while also being grandiose and self important. The fact that no other conservative MPs followed him when he split off to create his own party should tell you something. His fanbase largely know him exclusively from his twitter feed, which means they really don't know shit about him. They just know what he tweets in order to entice them into sending him cheques.
He correctly points out that none of the party's administration has been done. There's been no party constitution, the financials haven't been published. It looks like the party is lapsing. Like Bernier has abandoned it for practical purposes, except as a conduit for collecting donations from which he pays himself over $100k a year as his "party leader" salary (that's on top of his large MP pension, which he'd have to surrender if he were elected to a seat and had to work for his money).
This is made even more sleazy looking by the fact that he held no leadership election after leading the party to a rock-bottom defeat in the last election which is customary for party leaders who preside over abysmal election performances.
At a certain point, you have to tell yourself - if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
The other thing you have to take into consideration (which most of his base doesn't realize) is that in the Ottawa/parliament inner circle, Max has always had a reputation for being lazy and unreliable as an MP and a minister, while also being grandiose and self important. The fact that no other conservative MPs followed him when he split off to create his own party should tell you something.
His fanbase largely know him exclusively from his twitter feed, which means they really don't know shit about him. They just know what he tweets in order to entice them into sending him cheques.
He correctly points out that none of the party's administration has been done. There's been no party constitution, the financials haven't been published. It looks like the party is lapsing. Like Bernier has abandoned it for practical purposes, except as a conduit for collecting donations from which he pays himself over $100k a year as his "party leader" salary (that's on top of his large MP pension, which he'd have to surrender if he were elected to a seat and had to work for his money).
This is made even more sleazy looking by the fact that he held no leadership election after leading the party to a rock-bottom defeat in the last election which is customary for party leaders who preside over abysmal election performances.
At a certain point, you have to tell yourself - if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
The other thing you have to take into consideration (which most of his base doesn't realize) is that in the Ottawa/parliament inner circle, Max has always had a reputation for being lazy and unreliable, while also being grandiose and self important. The fact that no other conservative MPs followed him when he split off to create his own party should tell you something.
His fanbase largely know him exclusively from his twitter feed, which means they really don't know shit about him. They just know what he tweets in order to entice them into sending him cheques.
He correctly points out that none of the party's administration has been done. There's been no party constitution, the financials haven't been published. It looks like the party is lapsing. Like Bernier has abandoned it for practical purposes, except as a conduit for collecting donations from which he pays himself over $100k a year as his "party leader" salary (that's on top of his large MP pension, which he'd have to surrender if he were elected to a seat and had to work for his money). This is made even more sleazy looking by the fact that he held no leadership election after leading the party to a rock-bottom defeat in the last election which is customary for leaders who preside over abysmal election performances.
At a certain point, you have to tell yourself - if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
The other thing you have to take into consideration (which most of his base doesn't realize) is that in the Ottawa/parliament inner circle, Max has always had a reputation for being lazy and unreliable, while also being grandiose and self important. The fact that no other conservative MPs followed him when he split off to create his own party should tell you something.
His fanbase largely know him exclusively from his twitter feed, which means they really don't know shit about him. They just know what he tweets in order to entice them into sending him cheques.