Why would a perpetrator of political violence and military juntas be what a "real leader" looks like? Because he hated international socialists & communism? Do you know who also hated international socialism & communists? A guy by the name of Hitler. I don't know if you've heard, but his views on State Power were a little extreme.
To argue in favour of the State having that kind of supreme authority in conjunction with wielding the hammer of military power, a scenario where they can just kill or ruin swaths of people based on accusations alone, well that argument is fucking nuts and very short-sighted. How is it that a dictator can take over so many aspects of society, and then decades later your brain has this idea where he is the kind of "real leader" we need? Does the propaganda outlive its maker or do you just not fully understand yet the argument for liberty? You seem like a sheep waiting to be led or culled, a useful idiot for another day.
Why would a perpetrator of political violence and military juntas be what a "real leader" looks like? Because he hated international socialists & communism? Do you know who also hated international socialism & communists? A guy by the name of Hitler. I don't know if you've heard, but his views on State Power were a little extreme.
To argue in favour of the State having that kind of supreme authority in conjunction with wielding the hammer of military power, a scenario where they can just kill or ruin swaths of people based on accusations alone, well that argument is fucking nuts and very short-sighted. How is it that a dictator can take over so many aspects of society, and then decades later your brain has this idea where he is the kind of "real leader" we need? Does the propaganda outlive its maker or do you just not fully understand yet the argument for liberty? You seem to be a sheep waiting to be led or culled.
Why would a perpetrator of political violence and military juntas be what a "real leader" looks like? Because he hated international socialists & communism? Do you know who also hated international socialism & communists? A guy by the name of Hitler. I don't know if you've heard, but his views on State Power were a little extreme.
To argue in favour for the State to have that kind of supreme authority in conjunction with wielding the hammer of military power, a scenario where they can just kill swaths of people based on accusations alone, well that argument is fucking nuts and very short-sighted. How is it that a dictator can take over so many aspects of society, and then decades later your brain has this idea where he is the kind of "real leader" we need? Does the propaganda outlive its maker or do you just not fully understand? You seem to be a sheep waiting to be led or culled.
Why would a perpetrator of political violence and military juntas be what a "real leader" looks like? Because he hated international socialists & communism? Do you know who also hated international socialism & communists? A guy by the name of Hitler. Do you know what his views were on State Power?
To argue for the State to have that sort of supreme authority in conjunction with military force, a scenario where they can just kill people based on accusations, well that argument is fucking nuts. How is it that a guy can use brute force to take over so many aspects of society, and then your brain decades later has this idea where he is the kind of "real leader" we need? You are literally a sheep waiting to be led or culled.