But that's different. This was an affluent white female liberal (AWFL) in a posh area of London where the good people live. The same people who work at the BBC and the banks. Not some chavette in some scuzzy place like East London, Rotherham, Derby, Bristol etc.
Do you think the royals are going to stand in solidarity with those plebs? Har har!
But that's different. This was an affluent white female liberal (AWFL) in a posh area of London where the good people live. The same people who work in the BBC and the banks. Not some chavette in some scuzzy place like East London, Rotherham, Derby, Bristol etc.
Do you think the royals are going to stand in solidarity with those plebs? Har har!
But that's different. This was an affluent white female liberal (AWFL) in a posh area of London where the good people live. Not some chavette in some scuzzy place like East London, Rotherham, Derby, Bristol etc.
Do you think the royals are going to stand in solidarity with those plebs? Har har!