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No, there is acceptance of the religion Jesus established or rejection of it.

If you accept it, you convert to Catholicism.

If you reject it, you join the ranks of the deceive. You join one of the thousands of sects that rejects either Apostolic authority altogether (which even Luther didn't agree with...I'm not really sure where in the world modern Protestant Christians got their ideas from...wasn't Luther) and the authority of the Pope, OR you accept Apostolic authority BUT reject the office of the Pope.

From there you have all of the 40,000+ sects of non-Catholicism.

Of the 2 billion Christians in the world, half are Catholic. That means of the 50% who are not Catholic, there are THOUSANDS of different interpretations of the Bible because all of these people think they can be their own Popes. Hilariously flawed logic.

Those are the lines. This is the root.

Everything else is deception.

So "have I read the Bible" is kinda a non sequitur. You're asking me if I have a Freemasonic (gnostic/Hermetic/Luciferan, etc) view of the Bible or a Catholic one. I have a Catholic interpretation of the Bible but I came from an LDS background and have studied religion for years. It's a hobby of mine.

If everyone is free to interpret the Bible, who gave us that authority?

Jesus didn't. Jesus gave SIMON BAR JONAH renamed SIMON PETER. PETER MEANS ROCK.

Jesus gave "rock" (PETER) the Authority on Earth to BIND AND LOOSE.

Peter was the first Pope.

Freemasons have set their sights on destroying the Catholic church for hundreds of years. SPECIFICALLY the Papacy! Its on record. It's history. Its not even debated. Freemasons are very open about this. The ones that are in the know. The low level degrees are footsoldiers for Satan and his NWO "utopia". The Freemasons reject Papal authority and destroy Catholic Monarchies (AHEM FRANCE? RING A BELL? ALL REVOLUTIONS, Satan, their daddy, was the first REVOLUTIONARY and was kicked out of Heaven for it). NWO/Qabballists/Freemasons/Protestants/Mormons/Hermeticism/Confucism/Theosophy/Rosicrucianism are all dead-set against the Papacy. Gee, I wonder why? Why attack something if its false? Why attack a LARP? The disgusting things you see come from the Catholic church are 1. infiltrators. Remember the Capital riots? Glow Boys dressed as Q and MAGA, pretending to be us so we take the blame? You don't think the Freemasons did that to the Catholic church too? And then they play it all over the Freemasonic Legacy News Mockingbird Media?

Gee. I'm seeing patterns. Are YOU PAYING ATTENTION YET?

Why would the MSM smear Trump and you don't buy it but when the Catholic church is smeared, you bite. A Freemasonic infiltration of the church has occurred. You are being shown the dirt in an effort to get you to turn your back on the true religion called Catholicism. It is your inheritance and Satan plus his foot-soldiers the Second Temple/Qabbalistic/Talmudic Jews, Pagans, Freemasons, Muslims, and Gnostics are all trying to rob you of your inheritance. You're helping them but refusing to listen.

I don't need to hear about interpretations. I'm familiar. This is about your understanding of what we're discussing, not mine. I know where I stand and I've studied the worldview you're in. I left it because of lack of logical conclusions.

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”…

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

No, there is acceptance of the religion Jesus established or rejection of it.

If you accept it, you convert to Catholicism.

If you reject it, you join the ranks of the deceive. You join one of the thousands of sects that rejects either Apostolic authority altogether (which even Luther didn't agree with...I'm not really sure where in the world modern Protestant Christians got their ideas from...wasn't Luther) and the authority of the Pope, OR you accept Apostolic authority BUT reject the office of the Pope.

From there you have all of the 40,000+ sects of non-Catholicism.

Of the 2 billion Christians in the world, half are Catholic. That means of the 50% who are not Catholic, there are THOUSANDS of different interpretations of the Bible because all of these people think they can be their own Popes. Hilariously flawed logic.

Those are the lines. This is the root.

Everything else is deception.

So "have I read the Bible" is kinda a non sequitur. You're asking me if I have a Freemasonic (gnostic/Hermetic/Luciferan, etc) view of the Bible or a Catholic one. I have a Catholic interpretation of the Bible but I came from an LDS background and have studied religion for years. It's a hobby of mine.

If everyone is free to interpret the Bible, who gave us that authority?

Jesus didn't. Jesus gave SIMON BAR JONAH renamed SIMON PETER. PETER MEANS ROCK.

Jesus gave "rock" (PETER) the Authority on Earth to BIND AND LOOSE.

Peter was the first Pope.

Freemasons have set their sights on destroying the Catholic church for hundreds of years. Its on record. It's history. Its not even debated. Freemasons are very open about this. The ones that are in the know. The low level degrees are footsoldiers for Satan and his NWO "utopia".

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”…

3 years ago
1 score