LOL why are you acting like I'm the spokesman for the CPC? All I've ever told you is that the PPC will never win and that you're only helping Trudeau by pissing your votes away on hopeless parties, which is a 100% true.
If the truth makes you this mad, the problem is you.
LOL why are you acting like I'm the spokesman for the CPC? I'll I've ever told you is that the PPC will never win and that you're only helping Trudeau by pissing your votes away on hopeless parties, which is a 100% true.
If the truth makes you this mad, the problem is you.
LOL why are you acting like, I'm the spokesman for the CPC? I'll I've ever told you is that the PPC will never win and that you're only helping Trudeau by pissing your votes away on hopeless parties, which is a 100% true.
If the truth makes you this mad, the problem is you.