Weird, I really thought banning the sale of clothing that was 10 metres away from where the food was in the same store was going to stop it. Paliister is just another powertripping moron flailing away, desperate to keep control. I remember when people were posting his speech where he banned "non-essential" items while speaking to his citizens like they were children, claiming this is what a leader sounds like. The average person couldn't identify real leadership to save their lives, just look at who they elect.
Weird, I really thought banning the sale of clothing that was 10 metres away from where the food was in the same store was going to stop it. Paliister is just another powertripping moron flailing away, desperate to keep control. I remember when people posting his speech where banned "non-essential" items while speaking to the people like they were children, claiming this is what a leader sounds like. The average person couldn't identify real leadership to save their lives, just look at who they elect.
Weird, I really thought banning the sale of clothing that was 10 metres away from where the food was in the same store was going to stop it. Turns out Palliister is just another powertripping moron flailing away, desperate to keep control.