What have I been telling everyone about the link between obesity and COVID-19?
I'm sure there are lots of fat ass 13 year olds who survived the virus and didn't even get hospitalized. But you are tempting fate when you are that fat.
What pisses me off more is when the media points to some 31 year old gold medalist athletic Chad struggling to breathe in the hospital with COVID and is like "see? Young healthy athletic Chads are not safe either! Get the vaccine and make Big Pharma richer. Blood clots, severe adverse reactions and death be damned. Stay inside, don't see your friends and family, don't get laid, subscribe to Onlyfans and blacked.com and wear two masks forever." Outliers exist and the media and COVID hustlers (and in my case gaslighting family members who want me to take the vaccine) milks the shit out of that.
What have I been telling everyone about the link between obesity and COVID-19?
I'm sure there are lots of fat ass 13 year olds who survived the virus and didn't even get hospitalized. But you are tempting fate when you are that fat.
What pisses me off more is when the media points to some 31 year old gold medalist athletic Chad struggling to breathe in the hospital with COVID and is like "see? Young healthy athletic Chads are not safe either! Get the vaccine and make Big Pharma richer. Stay inside, don't see your friends and family, don't get laid, subscribe to Onlyfans and blacked.com and wear two masks forever." Outliers exist and the media and COVID hustlers (and in my case gaslighting family members who want me to take the vaccine) milks the shit out of that.
What have I been telling everyone about the link between obesity and COVID-19?
I'm sure there are lots of fat ass 13 year olds who survived the virus and didn't even get hospitalized. But you are tempting fate when you are that fat.
What pisses me off more is when the media points to some 31 year old gold medalist athletic Chad struggling to breathe in the hospital with COVID and is like "see? Young healthy athletic Chads are not safe either! Get the vaccine and make Big Pharma more rich. Stay inside, don't see your friends and family, don't get laid, subscribe to Onlyfans and blacked.com and wear two masks forever." Outliers exist and the media and COVID hustlers (and in my case gaslighting family members who want me to take the vaccine) milks the shit out of that.
What have I been telling everyone about the link between obesity and COVID-19?
I'm sure there are lots of fat ass 13 year olds who survived the virus and didn't even get hospitalized. But you are tempting fate when you are that fat.