I really don't want to get sucked into a pointless argument about some shithole that doesn't matter to Canadian current affairs, but here we go. Yes toronto, bla bla bla. Do things happen there that don't suit your life? MOVE AWAY! jews, sikhs and indians are all the very thing they claim to fleeing from. All of them are formally oppressed asshole that haven't learned shit. What makes the palestinians different? They're country is currently being occupied and has been longer than any other in modern history, but fuck 'em too, send back to fight for it. and why is that fat slob even engaging these idiots.
I really don't want to get sucked into a pointless argument about some shithole that doesn't matter to Canadian current affairs, but here we go. Yes toronto, bla bla bla. Do things happen there that don't suit your life? MOVE AWAY! jews, sikhs and indians are all the very thing they claim to fleeing from. All of them are formally oppressed asshole that haven't learned shit. What makes the palestinians different? They're country is currently being occupied and has been longer than any other in modern history, but fuck 'em too, send back to fight for it.